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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I see. You call me a racist and a white supremacist and you want me to just agree to disagree? I think not. Those are quite horrible accusations with nothing but feels to back it up. You're whole argument is based on feels. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that if you at least admit it. Something along the lines of "have have no definitive proof this Bill is racists. I just feels that way to me." I'd accept that.
  2. Not really. My idea is to head to WNY this summer after I get vaccinated. My mom's 95th was last August and I missed it due to the NY quarantine. I still have my SW ticket which is good for two more years but I need to see the Young Lady while she's still around.
  3. Well it won't happen until I retire to the desert. Then I'm thinking of getting a REAL smoker. Then I'll retire the old girl.
  4. I believe racism is a fantasy? When you've lost an argument to resort to making things up. Wait no, that makes sense. Your argument from the get go was the result of make believe. Carry on bigot. Oh and BTW I walked away because arguing with someone who's only argument is make believe and cannot come up with any actual evidence to support their claim it's kind of a waste of time.
  5. Have you seen the tasers they use? I suggest you google Oscar Grant.
  6. You are 100% right that I will never be able to remove the racist nature of the Bill because it doesn't exist and you've not proven it beyond conjecture and your own bias towards Republicans, especially white Republicans. Gee...who's the true bigot in this fight? You may think I'm a racist but what is know in this whole argument is you are truly a bigot. Congrats. Of course I'm against Gerrymandering. I always have been. What's the point of that question?
  7. Desperate? Nah, you're the one regurgitating disproven parts of the Bill. You have zero proof of the Bill being racist. The onus is on you and you have failed miserably. So now I'm a racist AND a white supremacist? We're done here.
  8. Food and water dispelled over and over again. Keep spreading false narratives. So how is the second thing you've been railing about racists besides in your tiny mind? Here's a clue. It's not and you nave zero proof it is. You really seem to have no idea what actual racism looks, smells or tastes like. I guess that's because you've probably lived in your liberal ivory tower and have not experienced racism first hand like I have. When you keep seeing racism where there is not proof of it existing then when you point out actually racism no one will believe you. @BillStime the little boy who cried racism!!
  9. @BillStime You originally accused this Bill of being racist due to the what it did. Once all those were dispelled you are now accusing it of being racist for what it DIDN'T do. Good job coming up with an argument that can't be dispelled...but also not proven either. Carry on.....
  10. Wait wait wait. You say you despise the Republicans and Trump destroyed the party. Shouldn't he be your hero? That's why I like him.
  11. I see. So your "proof" this Bill is racist is that past performance ALWAYS predicts current performance. Let me ask you. If the Bill had required opening some of those shuttered sites would you still consider it racist?
  12. Hey memeboy. Racism does exist. And for you to assume i think it doesn't makes you a real #######. I dismiss anything and everything related to race? More assholery. I've been very clear. Calling things such as this bill racism and Jim Crow on steroids takes away from actual racism and downplays the experiences of those actually affected by Jim Crow. If it makes you feel better to make ***** up about people you do not know have at it. It may make you feel better but makes you a fool.
  13. This is a momentous occasion. Now that I have hit the big six-oh I'm mellowed and matured. So I have decided to change my ways and start taking advice. So the first and most important advice I will take is something I learned from a wise man long ago. "Never take advice from strangers on a message board!" And there are few stranger than my Buffalo Brethren here. And I love ya all!! Thanks for the birthday wishes.
  14. Your "facts" point to racism in your mind. See facts often times lead to proof, which leads to guilt. It's called the burden of proof. You have only facts and you have drawn a line directly to guilt completely bypassing the proof. So because of that you have guilty only in your mind. Come back when you have proof. Emails, phone calls, witnesses etc. Until then continue to falsely accuse others of racism. It's not a good look man.
  15. Save money. They weren’t up to code. More people voting absentee. Many of the closures were in rural poor areas that didn’t have the municipal tax base so they shut them down. But you keep thinking that the decisions to close these sites were made in smoke filled rooms by Republicans who woke up that morning and said “we’re going to make it more difficult for black people to vote.” If that makes you feel better. Have at it.
  16. I have. Why I asked you. Let me be more specific. If every one of those 214 polling sites had been reopened how short would those lines you’re so concerned about have been?
  17. It could be a million reasons but you go with racism because that’s your reason for everything. Let me ask you. Do you even know if any of those 214 sites that were closed where anywhere near the polling places that had long lines?
  18. Oh look a dumb meme. Lose an argument post a meme. See most people when they feel passionate about something (like this Bill not being racist) they debate and discuss. When someone is losing a debate they pose nonsensical things like memes.
  19. Yeah I know it sucks to be proven wrong day in and day out. One way to fix it is to stop being wrong. The Bill is NOT racist and you know it but you’re so deep in this false narrative you have to keep digging.
  20. I still haven’t heard what makes this Bill racist. You’re like a little kid throwing a tantrum and when asked what wrong the kid, through the tears whimpers, “I.....don’t.....know”.
  21. Thanks. That cleared things up. 🙄
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