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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. That's their MO. You state your opinion that something isn't racist they come back with "you don't think racism exists." How they make that leap is astounding.
  2. So you have no serious answer to your stupid comment. Glad I could call you out on your stupidity.
  3. Where do these special prisons exist beyond the space between your ears?
  4. Oh I disagree with this. Opinions can be based on conjecture and hypothesis. It's when an argument is presented as a fact when in reality it is an opinion. That's not a lie. That's just poor debate IMO Perfect example is @BillStime couching this Bill is racist as a fact when it's actually just his opinion. This is why I call him, and others out on it. So instead of saying "the Bill IS racists" (presented as a fact) it would be better if he said something along the lines of "this Bill feels to me to be racist" (presented as an opinion). Now if he comes back with verified proof of the Republicans saying "we need to pass this through so fewer black people vote" I'll buy him a beer and congratulate him on a job well done. Until that time............
  5. Can someone please explain to me why we need to do this again. What happened to all the money that was allotted in 2015? As I mentioned before the cynic (or is it realist) in me thinks that because the bill was a 5-year plan signed in 2015 those that hopped on the gravy train have come back with their hands out. The problem with infrastructure spending is when the infrastructure is improved the money flow stops. I would love to have an accounting of where our money goes. Why do we not demand this??
  6. I rarely accuse you of lying. Just representing opinions as facts.
  7. So you want police to show up to a potential gun fight with what exactly?
  8. Yes lack of common sense has corroded society.
  9. So let's fill the court with: Black Conservative Asian Conservative Native American Conservative White Conservative Female Conservative Male Conservative Jewish Conservative Christian Conservative Muslim Conservative Hey Tibs....you're on to something here.
  10. I don't assume they meant their Economic Recovery. I'm a Caribbean guy anyway.
  11. Funny how you didn’t cheer the record stock market 2017-2020. Or was that Obama’s market?
  12. With the “other Supremacists”. Ha! Ummm no. You’re making the accusations sir. The burden of proof is on you.
  13. Yes they are also much lighter in weight.
  14. Hey mods. Can we shut down this sports thread on PPP? I kid...I kid.
  15. This board is all about debate. I wanted someone to call me Chef Jim Crow?? Oh yes that was the happiest thing that ever happened to me. I wanted to be a victim? Here's the difference between you and me. And it's a BIG difference. You tell people what is in their minds and hearts (i.e. calling me a racist and a white supremacist and say I don't think racism exists or is a fallacy) where I ask questions to get that drawn out. Can you see the difference? You have ZERO idea how pissed off I am at SectionC3 for calling me Chef Jim Crow. But go ahead think I relish in that. Conservatives typically don't play the victim card. That is usually left for those of the liberal persuasion. The facts do not meet anyone's threshold for racism. The key word there is facts. You have none, you've presented none and until you do your claim of racism (in this Bill) will never hold water. I'm not the only one that feels that way. I am not the only that feels strongly that we will never reduce (unfortunately it will never be eliminated) racism if we keep shining bright lights on false narratives of racism and shining it away from true racism like I have witnessed in my life. This is why I've been so passionate about this. The fact that you can't see from where that passion comes from is not surprising. You've not asked, you've not dug deep you've not tried to figure out what I come from with this subject as I have with you. I would have lots of stories to tell you. True stories while you've got feels. Go back to my "safe space"? Haven't been there in weeks. And you don't know why do you? That's because you're going on feels not facts. Carry on.....
  16. Well at least not since the Al Capone days.
  17. So what do you suggest we do to make it more difficult for people who shouldn't have guns to get them? And I'm not asking this to argue. I'm asking for a real conversation because we need to do something. I've offered my ideas. What are yours? And if you've offered them I'm sorry I don't remember them.
  18. Sorry you 've already dealt in hypotheticals. You just choose which hypotheticals you want to speak to.
  19. Had he complied and not tried to run would he be likely be alive today?
  20. I'm not trying to convince anyone. You are so wrapped up in this you have no idea of my argument. I am asking those that say it's racist to convince us that think it's not that it is. The onus is on you. Go back to my safe place? You have no clue what you're talking about. You're embarrassing yourself. And you can disagree all you want. You just make a very poor argument as to how you've come to your conclusions. You feel it's racist. I have seen zero proof it's racists. Should be easy to find something wouldn't you think? And email? A text? A document? A witness? You got nothing.
  21. Food and drink are allowed and actually stipulated in the Bill. You know this, I've mentioned this, I've quoted the Bill regarding this but for some reason you keep brining up this false narrative. It's getting old and foolish. You never answered my question. You never do while I answer all of yours. So let's try them again. 1. If, let's say, all 214 of the polling sites were "forced" to reopen in this Bill would you still consider it racist and if so why? 2. Were only black people in these long lines? Sorry I'll answer this one for you. No need to read the articles just look at the accompanying pictures. https://www.ajc.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/voting-machines-and-coronavirus-force-long-lines-georgia-voters/VajM2D3aSHALhCz7KwDrpJ/ https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/10/us/politics/georgia-primary-election-voting.html https://www.augustachronicle.com/story/news/politics/elections/state/2020/10/13/huge-turnout-long-lines-in-georgia-on-first-day-of-early-voting-for-nov-3-election/43052919/ https://wcti12.com/news/coronavirus/heat-rain-long-lines-georgia-election-plagued-by-problems So are you misinformed or are you lying? Gotta be one of the two. What areas where targeted in the closure of those sites?
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