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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. The misinformation is saying that anyone doesn’t want people to vote. Just stop. “Poorly educated” has nothing to do with knowledge of the issues. You’re coming across as some coastal elite. There is plenty enough idiocy to go around.
  2. It was. https://www.gpb.org/news/2020/04/15/georgia-elections-board-allows-absentee-ballot-drop-boxes-for-june-9-primary
  3. And here’s some misinformation right here. That didn’t take long.
  4. You assume often. Oh good lord. Take your blinders off. Misinformation knows no political stripe.
  5. If she had complied and not been an idiot she'd be alive today. Can you say the same about Mr Wright?
  6. I don't know what he meant by that. I assume he thinks that all people are casting legitimate votes? Or that an illegitimate votes don't exist? Oh and BTW I lived in the Bay Area for nearly 10 years and you are absolutely correct. Sense of humor is not high on their list.
  7. Yes . Illegitimated v. Past tense. Made illegitimate. Screwed over?? In what way?
  8. Just so you all know. I've got your backs. I have Troops Out of Afghanistan? on my calendar on 9/11/2021
  9. I'm sorry but what does this even mean? Are all these "voter suppression" Bills being offered up by Republicans? What makes all these Bills suppressive? Again feels couched as facts.
  10. I live in SoCal and lived in LA county at the time. It was a horrific event and lucky that someone was there to film the event. Also luckily that people have video capabilities in their pocket at all time to document bad behavior such as this. I never understood how the jury came to acquit with the evidence at hand. The riots that followed were bad. I remember being stuck in a hotel where I was working and my wife being home alone with stores being looted and burnt in between. Scary *****.
  11. Every single one of them. Also add on a detailed accounting of where all our tax dollars have been spent every fiscal year. Let's start with the past four. I think if that were to ever happen we'd all ***** out pants.
  12. What term would you prefer? Do you not think there is such a thing as illegitimated voters?
  13. Ummmm no. You’ve come up empty. You have been all over on this topic while those of us in the right have been 100% consistent. Once a liar always a liar? Isn’t that how it goes? Get back to us when you get proof of the closed door conversations that this bill was created and passed to specifically target black peoples. Until they present your feels as facts.
  14. what facts and what denials are you talking about?
  15. Thanks President Biden. Giving people like me more ways to earn our fees. https://www.investmentnews.com/biden-tax-hikes-dominate-adviser-client-discussions-204709
  16. When you say a lot of hockey players how many are we talking 10% 5% 99% 33.9393827829%? Inquiring minds wanna know.
  17. Please point out which of the 230 posts about racism (oh and if you knew how to spell there would probably be a lot more) do I question it's existence.
  18. I go no further. This is a lie. I don't like talking with liars. When you have to lie to make your point in a debate is a very good indicator you have lost said debate.
  19. Not the point my friend. I’m just pointing out the poor wording of your post.
  20. Well your argument would be be worthy of a debate if all those arrests, prosecution and incarceration of black people were ONLY for the USE of drugs.
  21. A few things about this post. 1. The fact that you're searching my posts is both flattering and creepy 2. Every one of those posts is me dismissing anything race related? That's not your OPINION that's a LIE. 3. So less than one half of one percent of all my posts are related to race means what exactly? You're clutching at straws my friend. Pretty sad.
  22. Well isn’t the a combination of cute and creepy. @BillStime digs up and reacts to a post of mine from 10 months ago.
  23. Ok that was an interesting study but look what I found when I googled "white man attacks". An article that blames White Supremacy for Blacks attacking Asians. \ https://theconversation.com/white-supremacy-is-the-root-of-all-race-related-violence-in-the-us-157566 What in the ever loving hell is this nonsense??
  24. Mine wrote Layla. This brings up the whole argument of "how many of the US deaths identified as "from Covid" would be better categorized as "with Covid" Or more importantly that the symptoms of Covid were such that their advanced age or poor health couldn't overcome them.
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