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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Well let me lay this out again 1. Make it a requirement to have gun permits renewed on a regular basis. Requiring deep dive background checks and going through a CE style classes in order to renew the permit 2. You fail the background check and it is determined (not sure what the metrics would be) that you could be a threat to yourself or others you lose your permit. Do you lose your guns at that time? I would think so. 3. There should be deep dives into a person's background before they get their first weapon and renew their permit. Including but not limited to social media and interviews of people you are associated with None of my ideas restricts the access to firearms by people of sound mind. You and others on the left can wring your hands and focus on the weapons of choice and not the brain that chose to use it for harm.
  2. I was freaked out wondering how close I was to being his next target. Ran in the family. This was in California but his brother was in Attica (where I grew up) for murder.
  3. I fired a guy from a restaurant where I worked. He murdered his girlfriend and said it all went downhill when he was fired from his job. 😬
  4. Looks like another person with access to guns who likely should not have. Stop blaming the weapon and let’s focus on the brain attached to the trigger.
  5. Who said he had nothing to do with Putin. Of course he dealt with Putin. But it all being because he was Putin's puppet makes for a nice movie. Put the screenplay together, hang out at Chasens or Ma Maison and maybe you'll get a movie deal.
  6. Dude! I know all those places. The Tip has been gone for a very LONG time. I'll PM you.
  7. Couple things. 1. You were polite and did as you were told. Did not exit your car unless asked to and I don't think you had any outstanding warrants. 2. Duane Wright has a warrant out for his arrest. The warrant was for aggravated armed robbery. He also appeared to resist. Do you see the difference?
  8. Wait. Are they being followed or being pulled over? Your changing of your story is a bit suspicious.
  9. Absolutely there are possibilities for realistic change.
  10. Of course. I'm huge with empathy. And being followed? Sure they are not paranoid? If they are they may be have good reason for their paranoia but that isn't necessarily a reflection of the officers who are "following" him wouldn't you agree?
  11. in your world it's black and white. Either no guns or more guns. You've made that very clear and it's a very failed position to take. We actually have a thread with that take as the title of the thread here. I've made my position very clear here of what I feel needs to be done.
  12. Signing secret deals with Russia before the election. An real estate mogul signing deals to....wait for it.......buy real estate. You might just be on to something here.
  13. I never accused you of saying the incident was funny. So you think I'm not concerned about people being shot? What has brought you to this conclusion.
  14. That reminds me of Attica Prison in the 70's. I grew up not far from there and my dad's restaurant was in the town of Attica and I worked there and fed lots of CO's. The guards went on strike and they brought in the National Guard to work the prison. The word was that the inmates were so happy because the National Guardsmen were actually interested in them. Learning their story. That was then they made a push to hire more CO's of color from outside the local area. He was a "token" hire.
  15. I'm pretty sure the same would have happened had you been black. Almost all of these incidents (I won't take your third hand anecdotes from your daughter) have happened due to the person either having warrants out for their arrest and/or not complying with officers or worse running. I'm surprised he didn't come back with "well yeah....you're white" And that is an assumption on my part that you are.
  16. And people wonder why some of us are reluctant to get the shots. I'd almost prefer to get my immunity through getting the virus. The odds of survival are so high in my favor why not?
  17. So some of the blame lies with the school systems? Who is more involved in the development of our school/university curriculum? And again there is plenty of not being able to tell fake new from real news to go around. Who is more involved in our news system? Most of our news outlets (left and right leaning) are pushing opinions/agendas not news. To say this is a right issue is absurd.
  18. Yeah. I can spot a coastal elite 3,000 miles away. Please point out where in the Bills where it says they don’t want people to vote? Please define “poor education”.
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