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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Better background checks will not fix this. Nothing will fix this. But working the human angle vs the weapon of choice will work better IMO Regarding your hypothetical situation? The AR of course. What’s your point?
  2. And they can improve all they want. Mother Nature is still a B word.
  3. Of course not. I'm smart enough to realize this is a problem that can't be solved. Potentially reduced? Yes but only potentially. Solved? Never. Be careful main. This ain't your college weed. The amount that I'd smoke in a day in college lasts me 3 months or more.
  4. When I asked you how many bullets in a minute you said less than six. That's laughable. A typical mag holds 10 rounds. I can easily unload all rounds in under 10 seconds. How long did the Austin Texas shooter take to kill 15 people in 1966? I'll answer for you. An hour and a half. So again it's not the weapon of choice. Killers gonna kill Ideally? Do the best you can to make sure he never gets ahold of a weapon. Any weapon. But good luck with that.
  5. No it's physics. I can change magazines. Not sure if you'd call it rapidly but yeah. See you're arguing a point you don't know much about. So what aspect of the reloading of magazines would you suggest? Lessen it? Then what?
  6. My point of vaccines not being considered medical advancement still stands.
  7. Ok I can probably squeeze off 40 in less than a minute with my pistol and I'm nowhere near a expert. Do you shoot?
  8. What number of shots over what period of time would be acceptable to you? A few bullets.
  9. Come on man. You can go further back than that. Vaccines are nothing new just new things to vaccinate.
  10. So if someone with mental issue that causes a proclivity to kill will not care what type of gun is available to them.
  11. If you noticed my idea says nothing about what types of guns we can own. Eliminating what types of guns we can own will NOT fix this.
  12. No we have no way to stop a spread while we work on a vaccine. Mother Nature's a B word and human's are arrogant. And developing a vaccine is a medical advancement? BTW very cool site I just found. Love the timeline. https://www.historyofvaccines.org/timeline#EVT_18
  13. Prove you're not mentally unstable? See I just reported I thought you were mentally unstable. I saw him doing________ I heard him say ________ . I want to ***** you up it's easy. Remember the law is to protect society from bad things. Sure that can be done now but this could go very far in the wrong direction. So we potentially locked up one person but we could have potentially save many lives. That's a win in those that want to protect us from bad things. In my idea those with guns will have to "prove" their mental stability annually.
  14. I have news for you. All guns can be used as “people killers”.
  15. I see. So you’re saying that places like China accurately report the number of people incarcerated? I suggest you look at the brutal “racist”history of the human race. We are not alone in this. Read a history book some day. We’ve slaughter millions and millions of other humans that don’t fit our tribe. Hate wasn’t invented here.
  16. Drip boxes! Please go on!! No let me. This is a dumb argument. Drop boxes were only put in place only during Covid. So they’ve been around less than a year. But there are these real cool “drop boxes” that have been around for a real long time. There are dozens of them in the metro ATL area. They’re called ......mail boxes and post offices. Next... Nothing to defend.
  17. What certain people does he not want to vote and what part of this Bill does not allow them?
  18. Nope. Slippery slope. I don't like you or your politics? Hello FBI. Yeah it's Chef Jim....yes me again. This dude Alf. I heard him saying some crazy ***** about how he wants to blah blah blah. What if you don't even own a weapon? I just don't like you. As of now we have no means (at least not that I know of) to check up on current gun owners. My wife has had her permit (I had a medical marijuana card and at the time couldn't get a permit...damn stoners) since 2013 and has never had to renew it or heard anything from ATF or whoever controls that.
  19. NO!! No one is reporting anything!! That is the slipperiest of slippery slops. The checks are done annually when the permit is renewed. How do we staff and fund this? EASY. Simplify the tax code and move the IRS staff to this. Ever since Trump doubled the standard deduction a vast majority of the returns I see are super basic. Imagine how fewer people we'd need in the IRS if we simplified it even further. See my reply above on who does the research. Trust me there are likely thousands of government employees with their thumbs up their asses that could be on this.
  20. My wife and I never owned a weapon before. The story has been told here many times. We bought a home in Oakland and after 12 months we were broken in to. My wife had it. We bought weapons, security systems, security cams and a safe for valuables and the guns when we were not home. We took courses, practiced a lot (good friend was a gun dealer so he took us out shooting a lot). We also took a home invasion course because the original owners of our home were victims of this. Tied up and beaten for 6 hours. I'm sorry but you break in my place you're getting nowhere near me to tie me or my wife up. We discussed how we'd handle the situation should it happen. Who would shine the high powered light to blind the intruder and who'd shoot the mother effer. Our security cam caught all sorts of crazy ***** on our street. Strangers coming to our door at night needing to use our phone etc. And this home is a million dollar home. This ain't the ghetto. We now live back in OC and we sleep with doors and windows open. So many people have no idea how crazy it is out there. And the police are not there to help us. We are often on our own. Another story from Oakland. My motion detector went off one day while I was at work. The security company asked if I wanted the PD to swing by and take a look. I said sure. They came 14 hours later in the middle of the night and just peeked in the windows and said "nothing looks disheveled" Well we could have been dead in the back bedroom. This is why many of us own weapons. It's what many professionals have to go through to get and keep their licenses to practice. I do. Well not the social media/friends and family background checks. I've had many "anti-gun control right wingers" here agree with my proposal. So you may be a bit high with your 99.9% number. I know you ended this point with a question mark but you're basing this on what exactly?
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