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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. For one be FOR the nuclear family vs AGAINST it. Absente fathers have ruined more lives (of any color) than any police brutality ever will! This is a serious question. What laws discriminate against gays and transgendered people? What government policy of today forces a broken culture and poverty?
  2. If this is accurate can the holier than thou white liberals shut their yaps. POC don't need your help. They are quite able to take care of themselves. The fact that you feel you need to ride in on your white horse to "save" them is more racists than anything that has been claimed by me or many other conservatives.
  3. Were you also asleep during the summer (and still to this day) of last year? Most violence does NOT come from "our side". One day of violence compared to months and months. Buy a clue. Oh I'm sorry I missed this gem. "The violence of lies" 🤣
  4. Maybe because so many conservatives don't identify with a party. Yes they tend to vote R but when asked which party they identify with it's typically neither. I wouldn't be surprised if they make up a good majority of the 11% that aren't represented in those numbers.
  5. What color have most of the rioters been? And you say I'm obsessed with race. Oh sorry. You beat me to it.
  6. If you read what you quoted I didn't say it went away. Why did the number of deaths drop dramatically? This it the question I'm asking. I see nothing but lies in this post.
  7. Cruz made that clear? Is what world can what Cruz say be interpreted as that??
  8. What does America “stand for” and what brought you to the conclusion that B-man, and other conservatives, don’t care for it?
  9. I’m not referring to specific virus. Why did the Spanish flu cases drop dramatically (better)?
  10. If they were made to kill people on what grounds is your suit? 🙄 No one’s fault? Seriously?? The dude who pulled the *****en trigger. What is the matter with you?
  11. So had he used a baseball bat would you be advocating for litigation against Louisville Slugger?
  12. So your response to her reasons for canning it is “OH YEAH!!! WELL LOOK AT THIS!! THEY USED THE (GASP) SAME WORDS!! I’m calling you Jackson Browne cause you’re runnin on empty.
  13. HA! My first thought was "Jack spends $25 on a breakfast sandwich every day?? Wow!! dude must be rich!"
  14. 1918. Spanish Flu just "went away" due to herd immunity. Everyone either got it or died from it. We are not achieving herd immunity. I predict by fall it will essentially be gone. "Everyone" will have gotten Covid or been vaccinated.
  15. I think you need to define Anglo-Saxons. You do know the history of the term correct?
  16. Context? What, you been sleeping the past year? Sound asleep. Never mind. Carry on.
  17. People always get their priorities ***** up. Ban the "scary" weapons then deal with mental illness. Fix immigration then protect the border. A wise man once said "we don't do these things because they are easy. We do these things because they are hard."
  18. Anecdote time. I cure my own sausages. I spray them with a bacteria. It's a "good" bacteria designed to protect the sausages from "bad" bacteria. That's the white mold you see on certain cured meat. When they are fully cured the mold his too much so I wipe it off. I noticed I was getting congested after doing that. Mold in your lungs is very scary. So 2020 rolls around and I have all sorts of masks to use. I had two batches done over two weekends. I wear my cheap blue "paper" mask one week. Chest is congested. Week two I switch to my dense cloth mask. Guess what? Chest was congested. So my little experiment shows masks may not work? Explain my story.
  19. So you're recommending we go back to muzzle loaders?
  20. I hope you're not thinking that we ban these weapons that mass killings will go away or be greatly reduced. If so you're in for some real disappointment. I'm not saying this is what happened but how many of the "mass" shootings are gang/drug turf wars? Yes, because online is the only place the demented people can get weapons. Crazy gonna crazy. So you're concerned about how gruesome the wound is? Dead is dead.
  21. Disagee. They want to cause as much damage as possible. You really think the FedEx guy would have shot fewer is he had a handgun? This is not a perfect analogy but it’s kind of like reducing drunk driving deaths by making whiskey illegal. So no guns or ammo available online and the deranged mind just goes “oh well I’ll just watch TV”.
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