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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Plus housing. They may not have to pay benefits because the workers are on visas. That adds up.
  2. OK. I thought you were talking criminal charges.
  3. Absolute cheering?? Celebrating?? Dude you’ve lost your mind. You’re delusional. What charges should they all be facing?
  4. What in the ever loving ***** does this have to do with the topic at hand?
  5. Do you or do you not back what Maxine Waters said?
  6. Sorry I misread your post. I thought you said you disagree with THIS (my) take.
  7. How can you not agree with that? Holy ***** dude!! You base a persons life on fear of reprisals for your decision. That is NOT the oath these jurors swore to. And by making your decision out of fear for reprisals the judicial system is *****.
  8. Well by jove I think they are. Drawn by six year olds but ANTIFA symbols nonetheless.
  9. Well to be fair. I turned 60 last week and I'm a boy to Joe. I toddler to be exact.
  10. If you are ballless and allow the mob rule to make your decisions for you we have lost everything we built here. Vote on what the evidence presented and how you as a team interpreted that evidence not on what the societal outcome (left or right) will be. That is a horrible thing for him to say.
  11. Ah the old courtroom Grinch maneuver.
  12. A role in his condition? Death is a condition now? I'm not an MD but to me a condition is a disease or illness that develops over time.
  13. It's still beautiful. It still has it's great places to visit. However I lived in the city for over 3 years (and 5 across the Bay) and it has so many flaws and most of them come from the people that run it. We called it "the city of unenforced laws."
  14. Smelled like SF too. LOL SF is the biggest conundrum ever.
  15. I was doing a career fair about 10 years ago in downtown San Francisco. There was a guy from the military (I forgot which branch) at the booth next to mine. I asked him what it was like walking in a city like SF in uniform. He said it wasn't fun. Yelled at, chastised, spit on. Here he was volunteering to protect these very people and that's how he was treated. I felt so bad for him.
  16. I don't know I wasn't paying attention. The election was over. Biden won. I moved on with my life. So I imagine you know the answer so why don't I ask you. What was the purpose of 1/16? What was the end goal. Played a role in his condition? A ROLE in his CONDITION?? Did a doctor say that??
  17. If people weren't idiots and needed government protection from said idiocy they'd still be on the market today. Which quote makes more sense? EDIT: Just to be fair. I did some real idiotic thing with jarts as a kid.
  18. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. - Donald J. Trump 1/6/2020
  19. I know being called out on your asshattery hurts. I'm such a violent person. Ouch ouch my words hurt you.
  20. Yes I was laughing at your term violent lies. That term is ***** hilarious. Ouch ouch ouch. Your lies hurt. So please point out were I get a kick out of Trump's lies?
  21. I get a kick out of that? You're one presumptuous ass aren't you.
  22. One of my favorite comedy lines regarding political correctness. "When did sticks and stones may break my bones..........become irrelevant?"
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