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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I just can't....... When's the holiday and how do we decorate the tree?
  2. What is extra-judicial murder and how is it normalized? Who is normalizing storming of our capital and "murdering" of a capital police officer (who murdered him?). I think everyone here has spoken out against what happened on 1/06. You people just love to make ***** up don't you. WFT??
  3. Thanks Gary! My wife mentioned a fan. I was 100000% wrong saying it went away. Now why did the number of case from the Spanish Flu drop dramatically in the summer/fall of 1919? I'm sorry. You did say it was because herd immunity. Are we or are we not slowing down herd immunity by us all being deathly afraid of catching Covid? To be fair we all aren't deathly afraid of catching it. I'm not.
  4. Causing them? No. Participating in them. Are you wrong on everything??
  5. I reiterated my wording which you’ve quoted. Stop with the semantics BS and simply answer my question. Why did the number of cases and deaths of the Spanish Flu drop dramatically in the summer/fall of 1919?
  6. How are we wrong? Come on. If you’re so adamant about this you should be able to prove us wrong. I’m so tired of you and others spouting ***** and when you’re called out for proof you run. Pathetic.
  7. No you were clear. You said dealers. I just immediately thought salespeople.
  8. I'm not saying Trump is right. Predicting inflation, market crashes, higher taxes is like predicting the gender of your just conceived child. You're going to be wrong 50% of the time.
  9. So if the onus is on the buyer what makes the salesmen the scummiest people on earth? Have some balls gentlemen. Just say no! It's funny but I was just about to say "never go to a dealer when you need a car but when you want one." The car I drive now is the best car I've ever had, got a great price, told the guy NO on several packages he pushed and this all because I needed a car. Mine other car was totaled. I still stick by that tip but I didn't follow it. I had no choice.
  10. Let's do a little exercise. What is her political affiliation? I know judges are supposed to be impartial but I googled her and didn't see Democrat/Libera/Republican/Conservative anywhere. I wonder if that makes her liberal? What is the main point of saying Black Lives Matter?
  11. There is no one in the world I "love" and respect that much that I would put myself out there like that. Reporter: We have your wife on record saying blah blah blah blah Chef Jim: What the?? She really said that? I have NO idea what she was thinking. Sigh...........
  12. WORST JOB EVER! I have no idea why anyone would want that job.
  13. Now this is awesome coming from the guy who's response to serious topics are silly childish memes. I don't see a lot of original thoughts coming from you. As Bill Maher put it so well. They are eating our lunch while we figure out which bathrooms people can a cannot use.
  14. No guns meaning no one has guns? How do you plan to achieve this? Are you being sarcastic?
  15. How are is being made easier to get guns? How are we making it harder to vote? Facts not feels. Paranoia runs deep Into your life it will creep.
  16. I thought the lines were a bad thing. Please get your stories straight.
  17. @Sundancer This is the post of mine you quoted. Why did Spanish Flue cases drop dramatically in 1919? Can anything be learned from that? You're confused as to what post of mine you were quoting. Sorry you can't follow along.
  18. That would be fine if that was the post of mine you quoted.
  19. Was there any physical violence against the officer? HIS failed coup? B-Man...Dude?!?!
  20. She brings up a couple good points. 1. We need to clean up our voter rolls. They are a mess and archaic. 2. This was brought up more by Maria but the fact that Joe Biden called this Jim Crow on steroids is reckless. You know as well as I do he likely heard that they were not going to let voters "get a glass of water" (which is a lie) and ran with that. I'm willing to bet he never even looked at the Bill before coming out and saying that. He needs to read the Bill and walk back his statement comparing this to Jim Crow. And he not only compared it Jim Crow he called it WORSE than Jim Crow. WTF is wrong with him??
  21. This is why we have have work visa. When people cry "if we close down the border who's going to pick the grapes!?!?" Ummmm there is a very good legal way of doing this. Harvest is a couple weeks tops. Temporary workforce solves this problem of what will the workers do when the harvest is over?
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