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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. The death penalty, like abortion, is an issue I do struggle with. There are some horrible animals out there that serve no purpose however our judicial system is not perfect. So there is a bigger part of me that feels better to let one animal rot in prison (on our dime mind you) than just one truly innocent person being executed.
  2. Hey Billy. You seem extra-specially angry today. Did mom get pumpkin pies for Thursday instead of your favorite pecan. Poor baby. Cheer up. I hear your gramma is brining her homemade cranberry sauce. You know the one she puts candied orange peel in. Yum!! EDIT: Brining...bringing cranberry sauce. I'm not sure how you'd brine it??
  3. It wouldn't surprise me if your friend gave a big AHA!! when it came out the the Colorado Spring's shooter's grandfather was a GOP mayor. 🙄
  4. Guess who's sitting at the kid's table Thursday?
  5. When did those letters go out?
  6. For someone who likely is pissed at how Twitter is managed now you sure seem to spend a lot of time there. Maybe take a break Billy.
  7. Cute. Now explain what your last post was about?
  8. What in the world are you talking about? Who ever said that Joe said that?
  9. Good morning Billy! Getting excited about Thanksgiving? Isn’t life grand? I think so. Oh, don’t forget to thaw the turkey.
  10. The letter was EXPLAINING why their applications were on hold. Go back and read it with your red colored glasses off. If you draw the line from: Your application has been received however your forgiveness is on hold due to lawsuits. To: Vote for us OR ELSE You're more of a political hack than I've accused you of in the past. LOL
  11. I'm probably more tech savvy than most of the whipper snappers here duuuuude.
  12. Damn straight.
  13. His name is Joe. And I said it but what what what are you driving at? Your question has NOTHING to do with my response to @BillsFanNC's post of that Tweet. That is the only thing I'm discussing here.
  14. Good lord dude. My point is the letter that @BillsFanNC shared has nothing to do with calling for a vote. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  15. Big fan I’m not.
  16. I took money from a drug dealer. So what. Well it wasn't so much that I took money from him. It was refund. Either that or I was going to give him a bad Yelp! review. His product sucked. More meaningless boogie men that don't exist.
  17. Has it come out how/when/where he got the gun used in the attack?
  18. I certainly did and you may want to look at my subsequent posts above. However as I've stated what does this have to do with the letter that @BillsFanNC shared?
  19. HA! I forgot to add PS to the list of where I've lived. Maybe because I'm PS adjacent now not in PS proper. There are actually more Canadians here where I live than Gays. Not that there is anything wrong with that eh.
  20. This is the part that doesn't get talked about enough. The fact that sports scholarships help many afford a college education. If I had a child (actually grandchild now) who was bumped because a boy was competing as a girl I'd definitely have something to say to the scholarship board.
  21. So the letter didn’t have anything to do with voting. Got it. You guys sure see a lot of boogie men when there are none. Don’t get me wrong the student loan thing was all about buying votes. That letter was not. Of course that’s what’s going on. I was one of the first one on that beach. But that letter was not about getting out the vote. Can you and @B-Man at least sort of, maybe, kind of, admit that. 😁
  22. You know what I really hate? When people respond with a 🙄. Educate me @B-Man What did I miss. I’m all about being educated. Educate me!
  23. I may be missing something but where in that letter does it reference anything about voting? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  24. Well see what we’ve got going for us is there are a lot of targets! 🙄 I’ve been in CA 40 years and these are the cities I’ve lived. If you know the gay communities here you’ll get this Long Beach West Hollywood Laguna Beach San Francisco 🏳️‍🌈
  25. I’ve been to several. I lived in West Hollywood and SF for 10 years. I worked in restaurants with lots of gay servers who did drag shows. As a financial planner I worked the pride festivals in West Hollywood and Long Beach. We had booths there to get clients. They are a ***** riot. So your point again?
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