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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Context makes it racist? Go on....... What has been explained to me is "we think" "we feel". Fine. Your feels and thinks prove nothing. Impoverished = racist? Now if you want to have a discussion why you feel poor = POC I'm all ears.
  2. So you cannot address what's in the bill. All you have is who signed it and where they signed it. Come on man. Dig deep. You have to have something that specifically says it's racist? You've all been screaming it from the mountain tops. An email, text, witness who can say that this law was signed specifically to ***** over POC. More feels not facts.
  3. From Ms Abrams. And I quote It shortens the time for 9 weeks for 4 weeks. It restricts the time a voter can request and return an absentee ballot. It requires a voter to have a photo or other identification that they are willing to surrender (what does this mean) in order to participate in the absentee ballot process. It eliminates over 300 hours of drop box availability. It bans all out of precinct votes. It restricts the hours of operations from 7-7 to 9-5. So do these above mentioned issues affect people of all walks of life? Of all colors? Of all political affiliation? Yes or no? This is a list if issues with the Bill that she disagrees with which is fine and her prerogative. But please for the LOVE OF GOD can anyone explain to me what make any of these racist?
  4. Woke culture is nonsense? The left is not doing it with more force? I have a question. How do you get the sand out of your ears after you pull your head out of the beach? Regarding your last sentence. Please point out where I said Republicans don't twist corporations arms.
  5. Mmmmmhmmm. And Eli Lilly came to this conclusion on their own and not forced into it by anyone threatening them with their livelihood. Voila @oldmanfan gets it!
  6. Yes both sides do this. But let me ask you who does it more often with more force? The whole woke cancel culture? Is that left or right?
  7. And you don't see how both sides are guilty of this? Open your mind dude.
  8. Did he say he didn't have a problem with that or is that just the voices in your head? Punishing or forcing private companies to choose a side in a political debate (left or right) is childish and reeks of strong arming.
  9. This is a very two way street and I think YOURS is much more dangerous. In my mind your thought process is what is ailing this country. Deeming something as racist and coming to that conclusion solely on the color, political affiliation, and geographic region of those who wrote it is very failed in my mind. Not one sentence of the Bill is pointed to as being racist. I dream of the day a Bill is judged by it's contents instead of the color of those who wrote it. That is all that's needed...... Sigh.
  10. So that’s all you got. It was passed by Republican white guys therefore it’s racist? 🙄 Let me ask you. Any idea how much input did they get from white constituents? Has your local state politician called you for your input? You do realize why we elect them right? To make laws on our behalf. Don’t like their record? Campaign to have them removed. A wise man once said “elections have consequences.” Give me an example of the tables being turned and I’ll let you know if I would be butt hurt. When, during the game, did Tebow kneel? Answer that and hopefully you’ll see the difference. Feels vs facts again.
  11. Then do it some other time. I’m not sure I understand your “old argument” comment.
  12. Sigh.... if a large group of BLACK athletes kneeled (not during the anthem) to protest MLB moving the all star game I’d praise them. Do you understand what I’m saying? It’s not the color of the protesters.
  13. Define a typical racist northern Regan Democrat and then plug Trump into that.
  14. Or a concert. Or an awards show. The Oscars will clock in at around 37 minutes now that Trump is gone. Let me ask you. It only white athletes kneeled do you think conservatives would have an issue with it? Many took that as disrespect of our flag by Americans not black Americans. I had no problem with it at all. I stopped watching sports way before that was a thing.
  15. When I talk moderates I’m not talking politicians. I pretty much despise them all. I’m talking people I meet and talk to all the time. My party. 🙄
  16. No I hate athletes. I thought I’ve made that clear here. You forgot I hate celebrities too. It ain’t color. BTW I’m one of the few people here that actually understands what the saying Black Lives Matter actually means. And GASP I agree with it.
  17. My party? Come back when you know who I am. My party. 🙄
  18. So you have no proof it’s racist but it’s....racist. Did I get that right? Don’t shut up. Find the smoking gun and scream to high heaven. Then I will gladly admit it racist. Until then you have feels not facts. I’m a fact kind of guy. There is always a right way to protest. Peacefully but more importantly the ballot box! And yes. We all have access to the ballot box.
  19. Explain how you’ve come to this bizarre conclusion.
  20. You’d be surprised how many of us “Trumpers” welcome moderates. I love the fact that no one seems to know who and what we are.
  21. Not me dude. My response has ALWAYS been “what makes it racist?” So far no one has been able to intellectually answer that question.
  22. First it was normalizing, then downplaying and now minimizing? Pick a ***** verb dude.
  23. Now it's downplaying it? Before is was normalizing it. Personally I feel B-Man is doing neither. How has he downplayed it. And regarding Nancy. I can believe she said that. Old people say stupid ***** all the time. She may have said something as stupid and insensitive when she presented the folded flag to George's brother.
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