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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. We're carnivores. Our DNA is bad behavior? So because Fatty Freddie can't put the fork down you're going to tax the hell out of my steak? And why is reduce in quotes? What does meat consumption have to do with being a fattie? It's not that we eat too much. It's not that cows fart too much. It's not because pigs drink too much. It's because we keep making too many of us.
  2. Did he have to shoot her? I don't know but for God's sake the cops are there but you continue to kick someone (I know she didn't kick that girl the guy did) and brandish a knife? WTF is wrong with people with that much hate?
  3. Seriously? So stealing some big screen TV and sneakers is going to make those bad cops go "hmmmm, we ought to be good. We don't want no more Targets looted"? How many more people have been killed by cops since that looting? If you, and they, think that is the best method to be a catalyst for police reform you're dumber than I ever thought.
  4. I see. So innocent business owners are just collateral damage for their temper tantrums? No one on the left is ever responsible for their actions are they.
  5. But what I also took out of it? The kids (shooters) are the deadly danger not the weapon. And BTW I don't have kids so that part also resonated with me.
  6. Half a billion in damages in Minneapolis. $23m in damages in Portland. The cities are not rubble but that's a lot of damage and only 2 cities.
  7. Article from the source? LOL Sorry not what Tiktok is. It's a comedian saying: We've got kids shooting up schools with high powered assault rifles. They are dangerous, deadly and totally unnecessary...........Nobody should have kids.
  8. One more time. Boycotting a company for a stance they've taken is one thing. But to boycott a company, or dox a public person, for not taking a stance is another. I suggest you figure our my point too.
  9. My boy Tucker? What the ***** is wrong with you guys? You nave no clue do you. I don't even have cable TV so I never ever watch his schtick. Such presumptuousness.
  10. Thanks for your concern but I'm going to die eventually. And I'll likely survive the virus. I'm not sure if you were quoting me but I'll address it. So if a company does not respond and people boycott them without even knowing their stance on the subject? You don't see the absurdity of that? Freedom is not complex at all. People, for some reason, make it such. I didn't read it at all. I'm referring to the whole "Silence if Violence" movement.
  11. Why do they have to respond? What on earth does voting laws have to do with nuts, bolts and lumber? See my response above. Why should I get vaccinated?
  12. I cut up and cook dead animals. Does that count? Hey sue me for trying to bring some levity to the conversation Debbie Downers.
  13. No. Who's cracking down on voting rights and public organization? Let's start with voting rights. Who is having their voting rights cracked down on and by whom. Please be specific. Feels vs Facts.
  14. Dude I'm not even talking about violence. Better bake a cake for everyone or you're out on your ass. BTW I would love to see how some of these Woke Supremacists would react if someone wanted a cake for the local White Supremacist rally. BTW if they said no and told them to get the ***** out I'd back them 100%.
  15. Virus is dormant until you walk out of the restaurant where you just spent two hours (and $300). Let's keep it going.
  16. Saw it coming a mile away. But think about what he said. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMexN1kCL/
  17. You can't win sometimes. You offer no opinion you're attacked. Remember silence is violence? You offer the wrong opinion you're attacked.
  18. These two sentences do not make sense together. I think you need to understand what cancel culture is because you obviously don't know.
  19. Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice.
  20. Black Lives Matter was never meant to be that they matter any more than any other lives matter. The original intention of Blacks Lives Matter was this. Black lives matter. Stop treating them as if they don't. Why they don't message it this way is beyond me.
  21. It's your opinion that the system is totally rigged??
  22. Do you agree with how people that have "found their political voice" are doxing people? I know people that are afraid to voice their opinion for fear they may lose their livelihood. If you don't feel this has been a tactic of the left more so than a tactic of the right I can't help you other than to tell you you've got some sand on your chin.
  23. Thank you. Now that we got my mistake out of the way we can have an adult conversation. I've not been vaccinated. I may only get vaccinated so I can travel back east to visit my family. We'll see. I just find it fascinating regarding the Spanish Flu in 1919 and what caused it to, as I so incorrectly worded, go away.
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