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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. No not The Who? They’re a band from England. It’s the causation. One was preventable one was not. Now we’re comparing businesses to the color of the states where they are located. Nectarines and crowbars.
  2. So you’re comparing damages by rioters and looters a natural disaster? You go work that ok? Impossible to take you seriously at the point. 😂😂😂 You’re talking dollars. I’m talking causation. Pineapples and hacksaws.
  3. Can we give the cop a glass of water after we video him or is that verboten? Feels not Facts.
  4. I have no idea who you’re talking about. What man hugged a what black man?
  5. So now now you’re comparing oranges and chainsaws? This is fun. Ok kids. Let’s see what nonsensical comparison they’ll come up with next. 🙄
  6. Cool. What shall we compare next? Apples and monkey wrenches? A few businesses. Half a billion in damages is a few businesses? Who are these people you’re talking about?
  7. I see. What’s the obsession with CVS? No mom and pop stores are in danger? I take it you live in a safe bucolic little neighborhood that has never faced the shitstorm of riots.
  8. Sure doesn't sound like it with your flippant attitude towards people having something they've worked are to build being looted and in some cases destroyed.
  9. I take it you've never started your own retail business have you?
  10. This is why many of us say how absurd it is to suggest taking funding away from police. I know I've told this story a million times but it took Oakland PD 14 hours to respond to our security alarm. They obviously had higher priorities and they are spread too thin. I almost never saw a police cruiser in our neighborhood. They were way too busy down in the "flatlands" to concern themselves with some minor break ins.
  11. Is there a specific mental disorder that causes one to misinterpret Bills? I sure hope so. That way you could get some support/funding Feels vs Fact part 394.
  12. That's why I don't respond. BTW that's as far as I got with your post.
  13. News? No. They've infiltrated him. The Hollywood propaganda machine was around long before he was even born.
  14. I think there is a lot of research that says a high percentage of murders are committed by someone the victim knows. Now I’m not saying that people do not accociate with people outside their race but it would explain a lot of these numbers.
  15. What other Right Wing News/Conspiracies would you be talking about?
  16. It's not the weapons the officers have to use. It's all about how to deescalate a situation which is really really hard. There are times when the first shot NEEDS to be lethal. But the challenge is determining in a split second if lethal force is required or not. For instance tasers. If a suspect has a handgun and the officer pulls their taser. The suspect pulls his weapon. The officer is now out gunned (taser in hand firearm likely still holstered) and in big trouble. As long as their are bad guys out there that are willing to fight to the death, and the officers do not know if the person they are facing has such a person cops will use lethal force. As an aside we bought our first weapons when we lived in Oakland. We took lessons at a range where the OPD would train. The Range Master said they were some of the worst shots. I guess when you're trained to unload your clip on a suspect accuracy is not important.
  17. For me we have to do some math. So lets assume I became a fan at 5 years old. 60(current age)-5-7(years since I've not been a fan) = 48 years as a fan.
  18. I know how hollow points work. What would you prefer?
  19. Strength of the ammo? What does this mean?
  20. Thank you Mr Robinson. To those of you that have fought me on this? Who have not once been able to explain what specifically makes this Bill racist? Please listen to this and let me know your true thoughts NOW about this Bill and if you STILL think it's racist.
  21. I have an associates degree in Culinary Arts. Maybe the cops can bake everyone a cake. Everybody likes cake right. Crisis averted. What degree would be a prerequisite then? What and how will that degree help them make the right decision is a split second crisis?
  22. Yes I can identify the bill. You're a lawyer. Look it up. What makes the bill racists? That's the question I posed to you some time ago which you've somehow failed to or refused to answer. Once we get that off the table we can proceed. Until then carry on.
  23. I see. And how did these tactics work after the Watts riots of 1965? The LA riots of 1992? The Ferguson riots of 2014? You know the definition of insanity don’t you?
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