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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Liberals, as usual, have it backwards. Instead of having me subsidize someone's college education why not work on making college more affordable. Online college should really become a big thing. It would become extremely affordable. The social aspect of college would be lost which is important but it would go a long way in cutting the cost.
  2. It's a dirty job that, according to Tibs, should only be done by brown people. If that guy with the degree needs to feed his family and pay the rent he damn well better apply there if there are openings.
  3. Sure. What's wrong with working in a meat processing plant?
  4. I never really left the office. Starting March when we all went remote I was coming in the office 3 days a week to pick op mail and process business. We had one of my staff members, his wife and two kids get sick but it didn't happen here seeing he was coming in the office. I say now I can't work from home however come January I will be working from home as I semi-retire to the desert. We'll see how that goes. I've not seen much of people not wearing masks at stores. I still always do. Why? You like panic news?
  5. You want to solve anger and hate? You don’t know much about human behavior and emotions do you?
  6. Who’s limiting the people who can vote? You ever think this is why no one is playing your game. We don’t take you seriously.
  7. Our company had our awards party last night. It’s usually in January but pushed to April due to Covid. A couple hundred people in a hotel ballroom without masks. This was literally the first time in over 13 months that I shook people’s hands and hugged someone other than my wife. It was glorious!
  8. I’m not saying it’s right. As a matter of fact taking justice in their own hands is absolutely wrong. However imagine seeing the same people you’ve busted over and over again still out committing the crimes they’ve been busted over and over for. It has to get real frustrating.
  9. https://www.theepochtimes.com/unaccompanied-minor-crisis-sparks-fear-of-ms-13-resurgence_3774113.html/amp
  10. Read rhymes the lead Read rhymes with lead But read doesn’t rhyme with lead. Sometimes the written word can be very confusing.
  11. Now this is funny. The ONLY reason Biden won because of the hatred towards “the other”. Any other candidate would have likely crushed the old man.
  12. Imagine being so ***** up that a party nominates a senile old guy. Not to mention what this says about Hillary.
  13. I’m sorry are you asking for what are some conservative beliefs that Republican politicians have done nothing about? If so, ain’t nobody got time for that!
  14. What in the world is this gibberish?? You never answered my question. Are teachers exempt or nonexempt?
  15. Ooooh Bold move. I’m afraid he hasn’t the stomach to take on China.
  16. I don’t get paid by the hour. I spend all sorts of time on perfecting my craft outside normal business hours because I know the better I get at what I do I will make more money. And I’ve been doing it for 20 years. So the answer to your question is a hell yeah!
  17. I'm not sure what your point is here. Are you saying a 50 week it too much?
  18. Questions. @BillStime @Tiberius @SectionC3 's Kryptonite.
  19. Why do they even need drop boxes? They were put in place so people could drop off their vote without human interaction because of Covid. They also gave the people a greater sense of security with their vote. I guess people didn’t trust good old fashioned mailboxes? So now the left is concerned about the safety and security of their vote? 🙄
  20. I’ll play your stupid game. GA SB202. All the info you need is here. https://legiscan.com/GA/bill/SB202/2021 Now...what makes it Jim Crow on steroids as you and others have claimed? Funny how the peorson who coined that term doesn’t use it anymore. Even the old man has come around unlike others here. Ball in your court Troll.
  21. Data? What data would expect me to present regarding my opinion of hypothetical situations. Data....😂
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