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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. What are you babbling about? What will WS be "figuring in" regarding an increase in Capital Gains tax?
  2. My wife has been at home since mid March and will likely never return before she retires in January. I can't work at home. I need a proper office.
  3. Yeah Trump supporters are enthusiastic. Biden supporters are boring. And I mean that in a snarky way.
  4. The funny thing is I'm pretty damn sure had this election gone the other way the roles in this debate would absolutely be reversed.
  5. I see. So there is no anger in a person who attempts to injure or worse kill someone. It's all environmental. So professor care to tell me about the environmental surrounding that prompted the 16 year old girl to injure, or worse, kill another human being? What about her particular environment drove her to that level? The same regarding the guy who kicked the girl while she was on the ground. You may say it is environmental but did that environment not lead to the hate and anger? If not hate and anger what specific emotion was the knife wielder or kicker feeling at the time of their acts? I have plenty of thought. I think that you are likely a professor or teacher of psychology who has learned everything they know from a book. What prompts you to define me as a bully, blowhard and an ass? Because I disagree with you?
  6. Your original response was convoluted. Thank you for clarifying. Why should I be required to fund someone else's voluntary choice to get a degree?
  7. The word you meant was intelligent. But if you were intelligent you'd know that.
  8. Not fit for? @Tenhigh Sorry missed your same question. FYI don't expect any reply from him.
  9. Why do voters in line need someone to give them food and drink. Can they not feed themselves?
  10. Ahh the liberal elitist strikes again. "I'm above menial labor."
  11. No, my question regarding taxpayer funded college education.
  12. This is the reason I ask the question "why" so often. Give us a good reason WHY you feel that transgendered females should be allowed to compete against biological females? And I find it odd (not really) they rarely answer my why based questions.
  13. Oh no no no. Those racists in GA have made sure that doesn't happen. Now Universal Peach Allotment? That sounds just peachy.
  14. Do you have any examples of the "shrieking SJW's" in reaction to this?
  15. Never ever? What safe and sound neighborhood do you live in? What should LAPD have done here? https://www.dailynews.com/2021/04/24/person-shot-to-death-by-lapd-officers-in-hollywood/ This reminds of this. I remember watching this live on TV. Should they not use lethal force in this scenario?
  16. Ahh the old lefty elitist "I'm better than that" mantra. So what's going to happen to mom's farm when beef is taxed to death by the green movement? And seriously dude I'd like to hear more about her farm. It's noble work and I'm always looking for sources of good meat!
  17. I grew up in Genesee county. I had plenty of classmates who showed up to school smelling like horse sh*t. LOL
  18. Of course not. We give those terrible jobs that no one wants to do to those brown people. You're good with that right?
  19. Points taken. What would you consider realistic? Do you agree or disagree with taxpayer funded college education?
  20. What a cute what if. Is there ever a time in your mind that lethal force by law enforcement is required?
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