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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Yes it's a tax on an estate based on the value of the estate. The current rate is 40% of anything above a lifetime unified credit (or exclusion) of $11,7000,000. Now to my question (unless of course you've blocked be because you got tired of me handing you your ass) is this: What is Biden proposing the exclusion be lowered to? Do you agree or disagree with that number?
  2. Neither do you. Can you tell me what will be the estate tax exclusion could potentially move to and at what percentage the tax rate will be above and beyond that?
  3. What will be the exemption in Biden's new estate tax proposal? How would one avoid the estate tax? Do you have any clue as to how it's calculated? I'll ask you the same question. What will be the new estate tax exclusion?
  4. I can read just fine. What exactly did you mean when you said: A guy kicking a girl on the ground is neither anger or hate. It is environmental. A 16 year old with a knife is not anger or hate. It us environmental. Seriously dude. I know you're Canadian but still...... Work on presenting your thoughts in an intelligent manner and we might just wander into an intelligent conversation. But until then......
  5. And going from 15% to zero for lower income brackets is, in my mind, what propped up the market after the tech bubble burst. Older folks in lower tax brackets likely looked at equities for income seeing the gains were possibly tax free whereas bond income was taxed as income. No one ever brings that up. And you damn well bet higher income people will dump stocks and pay the lower gains rate now. However the drop in the market would be short lived as they would likely buy the stocks back after 30 days (to avoid wash sales). They need the equities for growth. Killing the animal is only part of the process. Hunters kill, dress, break down animals all the time. Clancy the cow is not the same as fluffy the cat. I would love to process meat. Butchering was one of my favorite activities when I worked in kitchens.
  6. I think a personality test and a peek at someone’s social media (LinkedIn) is far more valuable than any degree ever would be.
  7. Yes I absolutely will be. Ah yes. Legislate behavior. Hey government! Leave me alone
  8. I don’t think @BillStime read past the headline. Too many words hurt his head.
  9. This is a fantastic idea! Great way to clean up the out of date voter roles. What don’t you like about this?
  10. He learned how to react to his anger? I thought he and the girl with the knife had no anger or hate. You sound confused? Or just not good at expressing your point. We all have hate. Some so much so they need to be put away for life. And others need to be killed before they kill. Fight or flight. Survival of the fittest. Let me guess again. You’re in HR. LOL.
  11. May? It absolutely will. My business plan is to take all these empty office buildings and turn them into work/live spaces. Have office space completely separate from living space. Very different decor and look and feel.
  12. I never use the term fake news. I’m one of those Trump supporters who shrugged and said “well that sucks” and moved on.
  13. Yes, as long as you've held the security for 366 days. Qualified dividends are taxed the same. Ordinary dividends are taxed as inccome. I'm not just a good cook.
  14. Millions? How many millions feel that way and show your work please.
  15. That's what you base your opinions on? You're not much of a thinker either are you?
  16. Current capital gains taxes are based on income. Single filers under $40k and married filers under $80 pay 0% in long term gains. Thanks to George Bush's tax cuts for the "wealthy"
  17. So you're a consultant? So the young man learned anger correct? The young girl learned hate correct?
  18. Why is it amazing? If you want to frequent a site the refuses to post article/recipes about a particular type of meat you are not a Chef. You're a weenie.
  19. From what I've heard this cap gains tax will only affect those making $1m a year. We shall see. You're babbling about WS "figuring in" the cap gains tax.
  20. What the ***** is this noise? So Epicurious is no longer going to post recipes containing beef? Well they just became websitus no gratis for this Chef. Idiots.
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