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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. No he's talking about waiting in line at the polls....I assume. But that is their choice. I had to wait 5 minutes because I was too lazy to get another pen while my wife filled out her absentee ballot.
  2. Lawsuits are a dime a dozen and oftentimes frivolous.
  3. Here's the difference between you and me. They don't have to. They chose to. End of story.
  4. So long lines discriminate? Are these more due to geography or race? (rhetorical question) BTW there are alternatives to waiting in line wouldn't you agree?
  5. Again? Funny because no one has answered my question other than it's racist the first time. That would be great if they were able to specifically state what is racists. I even wrote down each accusation by Stacey Abrams of it being racists and asked "how does this make it racist?" I don't think I got any responses to that. I'll read the lawsuit. When I have time. That article (which I'm not paying to read) is likely just that. A report on the lawsuit not the actual text of the suit.
  6. Define big money. It's not hard to become financially independent in this country. And THIS is exactly one of the big reasons we loved Trump.
  7. Please (for the 40th time) where does this bill make it more difficult to vote absentee for POC ONLY?
  8. So you're saying it's not rare. Medium rare, well done? Sorry Chef humor. But seriously if it's not rare how widespread is it? I wouldn't say it's rare either but I also don't think it's systemic. That term has been thrown out there constantly with little of no proof it's systemic in any aspect of life. Hate crimes involve a lot more than just race. But you knew that.
  9. So you're pushing a Vegan lifestyle all the while saying killing animals for caloric survival is ok? Am I confused or are you? I suggest you learn the history of meat consumption and take a few cooking classes. Then you'll understand why animal parts are seasoned and cooked before consuming. If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle. Point?
  10. I think that question is best asked of those that accuse us of being a racist country.
  11. In a few years. Now ain’t the something to be proud of.
  12. What does that even mean? What metric would you use to determine success?
  13. Good to be back? What? Where you been??
  14. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if a few months from now we return to this thread and nothing has happened.
  15. My point isn’t about the size of the government though that is a huge (no pun intended) problem. My point is have you ever seen an an accurate accounting of where all OUR money has gone? I haven’t.
  16. It’s not, nor it ever has been, a funding problem. You, and almost everyone else, is looking at the wrong side of the balance sheet.
  17. Really? What do they talk about over there? Football?? Sounds boring.
  18. Yup. What's your point? Sorry you didn't get mine.
  19. So what you're saying is only "Republicans" do this? Like Trump DR is no longer around. You cling to the past a lot don't you? I wasn't going to be silenced! LOL!! As if you have any great message to provide here. Silly, childish memes? Yes. Messages? Not really. None of us??
  20. I think many posts these things thinkinf they are facts. The ole “I saw it on the Internet so it has to be true!” meme runs deep here.
  21. Asking for data means means I have brain issues? Ooookay.
  22. As long as the don’t eliminate the doubling of the standard deduction at the same time. This was a huge deduction increase for many who do not have the expenses (i.e mortgage interest) like renters.
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