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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. No I just have not been to hardly any bars that followed capacity or mask protocols. Just sounds like your millennial bars are boring. The downside to a Republic with State Rights and greater freedoms. I'll take those downsides every single time. You can go live in China. I hear they only had 5,000 Covid deaths. Sounds like your utopia.
  2. The issue with the up front charge or CDSC is we played this profession as salespeople. Sell them a product, collect a commission, hand them a card and say "call me if you need me." Who wants to spend time with a client who paid you $5,000 in gross commissions 10 years ago? Selling a product isn't planning. Ongoing behavioral management is the key to success and that requires ongoing compensation. If I were to hop in a time machine and go see the best BEST plan over the last 20 years and come back and build it for you it does you no good the next time you go to cash when the market goes BOO! Of course you know all this. I really don't like Dave's process. Yes the basics of stay out of debt and don't spend frivolously is sage advice but no credit cards?? I've not had a CC balance in years and I can't tell you the amount of free flights and free ***** I've bought over the years. Why my first question to all prospects essentially "are ya drinkin' the Kool-Aid?" If they are I move on.
  3. What is a strict lockdown? When you say there is no fudging of the numbers how can this be? I just looked (and maybe I'm looking at the wrong numbers) but they show less than 5,000 deaths.
  4. What Covid protocols did the 20s crowd bars break that the bars that you frequented observe? And it's Umphrey's
  5. So based on these metrics the country had confidence in Trump's leadership as well. Can we quote you based on this logic?
  6. SF is the bad part of town! And glad to see you avoided those bars where only young people hang. Covid avoids the boomer bars.
  7. Ha! I use Dave all the time. I get leads from him. He has built a "better mouse trap" for advisors. I get people that are motivated with a plan in place and need to take it to the next level. Regarding the DOL Rule. I understand what they were looking to do. Take the product out of the advice. By leveling our fee whereas we get paid the same amount regardless of our recommendation it's a good thing. But what I thought was funny is that if I charger you a 1% fee per year and you work with me for several years (which all my clients do) you're going to pay me a ***** ton more in fees over those years that had you paid me a 5% up front sales charge. But the difference is we provide value, guidance, coaching more than we ever did to continue to earn our 1% fee. I would love to radically change that structure too. It's terribly flawed and don't even get me started....unless you care. LOL The issue is people have no idea what I do. People like @SectionC3 who puff up their chest ask if I beat the S&P. If I managing $2m of your mother or grandma's nest egg (my typical client) the LAST thing they want me doing is swinging for the fences. They want a plan. What to do, for instance, when the assisted living facility calls and says they need $100k a year for for her and it's there in the plan.
  8. Honest question. Where is China in relationship to the US with regard to the pandemic?
  9. Guys your age that act like kids? Yeah that's a trigger. Especially seeing we can't smack you upside the head to knock some adult sense in that underdeveloped thing you call a brain.
  10. So what percentage of white people do you think would have acted in this manner? I know you can't answer there and I'm not expecting you to. My point it to get you to think for a moment. Hey....a guy can dream can't he.
  11. I think it's hilarious that people distrust people "like me" when almost everyone with any level of financial security either works with someone "like me" or follows a system someone 'like me" coached them on. Regarding coaching? I don't coach my clients. Not my niche. But I do have a lot of advisors in my firm who do coach their clients for a low cost of $100 per month. This is something that HAS to be taught in our schools. It should be a required course. The number of people in the country living on SS is a crime when it's so easy to plan and save. I will always look at Obama with distain from behind my profession when he was rolling out the "DOL Rule" (which I agreed with BTW) calling people "like me" snake oil salesmen. 🤬
  12. To me these disparities are socioeconomic not racial. Now once we can agree upon that we can have a discussion why POC more often find themselves in lower socioeconomic patterns that non-POC's. And if you say's it because of racism I'm comin over and kickin ya straight in the nuts.
  13. Yeah we've seen this one. About a dozen or more times from you. You're lack of intelligence and maturity is showing again
  14. Living in SF was a fate worse than the pandemic. Up to now my wife and I have emerged unscathed from the pandemic. Our health living in the city? Let's just say I was scared to death for a certain three months living there my wife was going to die.
  15. Someone has no clue what it means to be a Conservative. Not one ounce of a clue!
  16. Same place I went 30 plus years ago. Where it helped a poor line cook and his secretary wife learn all these things that allowed him to, 30 years later, retire early. Or they can call me and I'd be more than happy to put them in touch with a coach. BTW I know you're being facetious.
  17. Serious question Tibs. What does your mom think about the "war on beef" discussion?
  18. Define systemic. Once you do that we can proceed. I see. So you call something systemic when you have no way to prove it is other that it feels systemic. You're not getting out that easily. FIFY
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