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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. They approached this by giving us all the impression they had any clue about what the future held. Kind of like a real estate agent telling you to invest in real estate because the value of homes only goes up.
  2. Believe it or not LA is putting an order in place to remove all tents from Skid row by the fall. Not sure where they will put them all but they need to get them off the streets. The health hazard alone makes it absolutely necessary.
  3. I follow her on TikTok. She kills it every time.
  4. Well there you go. CNN has just provided definitive proof the US is a racist country.
  5. We’re talking the news cycle. This was the biggest speech of his young Presidency. Funny there was so little interest.
  6. Though there is a good number of people who voted for him say he is very “Presidential” when he talks I imagine there is a large number that are embarrassed when he speaks. That was me with Trump. I liked him, supported him, but couldn’t listen to him speak.
  7. Why would I waste my time giving you reading materials that you a) likely won’t read and b) won’t change your mind and that’s ok. There are plenty of humanely run meat and dairy farms. I’d love to chat further however I need to run. It’s time for breakfast. I’m having scrambled chicken embryos ripped from their mother with some cured and smoked dead pig bellies and some juice ripped from reproductive organs from some California trees. Yum!
  8. A good friend and classmate from WNY works at the US Embassy I Mumbai.
  9. What a wonderfully written article completely bereft of any proof of highways being strategically run through certain neighborhoods based solely on the color of the inhabitants other than “we said so”. FTA. Please give us examples of how we, as a society, have made, can continue to make, it harder for POC to access and take advantages of the myriad of opportunities that are laid at all our feet.
  10. Gee, it looks like Georgia has a vested interest in our immigration policies. I suggest you think before you link things from Twitter. Are you this uninformed about everything? One in ten Georgia residents is an immigrant, while 7 percent of residents are native-born U.S. citizens with at least one immigrant parent. In 2018, 1.1 million immigrants (foreign-born individuals) comprised 10 percent of the population. Georgia was home to 502,347 women, 493,737 men, and 67,989 children who were immigrants. The top countries of origin for immigrants were Mexico (22 percent of immigrants), India (9 percent), Jamaica (4 percent), Korea (4 percent), and Guatemala (4 percent). In 2018, 717,062 people in Georgia (7 percent of the state’s population) were native-born Americans who had at least one immigrant parent. More than two in five immigrants in Georgia are naturalized U.S. citizens. 480,192 immigrants (45 percent) had naturalized as of 2018, and 182,406 immigrants were eligible to become naturalized U.S. citizens in 2017. More than three-fourths (78 percent) of immigrants reported speaking English “well” or “very well" More than 236,000 U.S. citizens in Georgia live with at least one family member who is undocumented. 400,000 undocumented immigrants comprised 36 percent of the immigrant population and 4 percent of the total state population in 2016. 503,155 people in Georgia, including 236,662 U.S. citizens, lived with at least one undocumented family member between 2010 and 2014 . During the same period, about 1 in 13 children in the state was a U.S. citizen living with at least one undocumented One in eight workers in Georgia is an immigrant, together making up a vital part of the state’s labor force in a range of industries. 701,962 immigrant workers comprised 13 percent of the labor force in 2018. Immigrant workers were most numerous in the following industries: Immigrants in Georgia have contributed billions of dollars in taxes. Immigrant-led households in the state paid $6.6 billion in federal taxes and $3.2 billion in state and local taxes in 2018. Undocumented immigrants in Georgia paid an estimated $563.7 million in federal taxes and $355.2 million in state and local taxes in 2018. Georgia DACA recipients and DACA-eligible individuals paid an estimated $61.4 million in state and local taxes in 2018. As consumers, immigrants add tens of billions of dollars to Georgia’s economy. Georgia residents in immigrant-led households had $26.3 billion in spending power (after-tax income) in 2018. Immigrant entrepreneurs in Georgia generate nearly $2 billion in business revenue. 88,290 immigrant business owners accounted for 17 percent of all self-employed Georgia residents in 2018 and generated $1.8 billion in business income. In 2018, nearly one-quarter (23 percent) of business owners in the Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta metropolitan area were immigrants.
  11. So Bills are only signed to stop things that have happened in the past and never done to prevent unfairness from happening in the future? You back the party that uses the terms fair/equal/equity/equitable all the time. What is equal about allowing biological boys competing against biological girls? Why are you for that? Why is that fair competition?
  12. Now our highways are racist?? Oh wait of course we are. The white lines are above the black top. 🙄🙄🙄
  13. Is it me or was it not promoted much?
  14. And we’ll remind you that that event will likely not be protected. Sidewalk. 🙄 Such hysterics.
  15. Says they guy who called me a White Supremacists with no proof. Yes. Let’s get SDS involved. Nah let’s not. I’m not a snowflake. How are you defending a right that is not in jeopardy?
  16. Holy crap. Killer curveball! Ummm....errrrr....what??
  17. @Melon You don't like this? Refute any of what I've said here. @Melon Got it. Your melon is mush.
  18. It's over man!! No one is dying any longer. Deaths stopped the minute Biden was sworn in. 100 days of gloriousness!
  19. Your whole premise that the GA Bill is racist is predicated on the fact you think (not implied but think) that skin color matters. The parts of the Bill you think are racists is because it affects people of specific geographic areas and socioeconomic standing. While this may or may not be true it has nothing to do with the color of one's skin except in your mind.
  20. Well this is dumb which is not par for your course. This is an Eagle for your course - Universal minimum wage is dumb. The cost of living is so different across the US a standard minimum wage is dumb - Billionaires paying taxes. Yup they are against them paying taxes. Please point out where anyone on the right has EVER said that. Save your time. None likely have - Voting rights. Ahhhhh another myth that has not been proven by you or anyone else - Gun reform. We almost all feel something needs to be done. I've spelled out my ideas. Have you spelled yours? Use spellcheck. It may help - Elder Care. Yup. Let the old ***** rot and die - Healthcare. Yup. Let us all rot and die. No one should have healthcare. It should be done away with dammit!! - Child Care. See above regarding elder care. This is soooo true. Think about it. If we let the kids rot and die we'll never have to worry about taking care of all those wrinkies. Brilliant dontcha think? - Equality. Now here's one you may have a point. Conservatives believe in equality of opportunity but NOT the equality of outcome. That's up the the individual Tip for ya. If you're going to quote someone I suggest you don't quote a dumbass. Makes you look dumber that you actually are.
  21. I have to ask. I never understood the vegan lifestyle. I get the health benefits of it even though some vegans I know look really unhealthy. I have to ask how is using the natural event of chickens laying eggs or goats and cows giving milk cause them suffering? Have you ever witnessed the enthusiasm of a herd of goats or cows when it's time to be milked? My personal opinion? Vegetarian = Good. Vegan = ***** weird. Not sure if you were being facetious regarding me sending you links. I've learned that having a conversation regarding the weirdness of veganism is a waste. It's a cult almost. LOL
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