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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. You've yet to give any meaningful ideas on how to reduce the number of gun deaths other than your utopian and impossible idea of taking away ALL guns. Any other adult ideas? Time to start adulting Billy.
  2. That seems to make you happy that you think children in "red states" starve.
  3. Rights do not supersede each other. There will always be humans that want to kill others. Always has always will be.
  4. It is funny that people pointed out his throwing "form" as the reason they thought it was an "inside" job. LOL
  5. I can't handle ANY mitigation efforts? Sorry Charlie. I'm one of the few who has for the longest time on the forum actually posted mitigation ideas not hand wringing. Are you totally wrong on everything??
  6. And we're the only country with guns. This is getting old. Complex problems befuddle simple minds.
  7. ONE MORE TIME. The original Tweet had nothing to do with the letter being about votes. You did when you said this...... But sure the letter wasn't political and pandering for votes. Nope. This is not a pointless tap dance. I'm just shining a light on the fact that you political hacks cannot ever admit when you were wrong or misspoke. Carry on Hackmeister.
  8. Great job Fred Astaire. 🕺🏻 He didn’t say the letter itself pandered to votes. YOU did. It’s not the Tweet that had me riled up. I actually kind of agreed with it. What riled me up was your interpretation/reaction to it. Why you all need to put the ***** Twit For Brains machine down and think for yourselves.
  9. Well aren’t you the brilliant one. 🙄 How about we’d reduce mass shootings is we did something that we actually could have happen. Increasing the ability to see these red flags and get people better access to mental healthcare.
  10. So what you're saying is you don't think people that are committing these mass shootings don't have a mental problem? I'm not just talking suicides. Billy. I'm looking for a serious adult conversation from you. I'm not saying we don't take on the challenge. Your solution is to get rid of all guns. Yes this will solve the problem. But how would you suggest we go about it?
  11. Would this point towards we have more of a mental illness problem than a gun problem?
  12. Great idea. How do you plan to get rid of ALL guns?
  13. I thought I read somewhere they did. I must have been thinking about IDR's. I was wrong.
  14. We are talking about the letter you linked to......twice. And the second time you said that letter was sent to pander for votes.........nearly two weeks after the election. Come on man. You're better than this. And people don't remember the pandering from 12 months prior.
  15. The last one? So they had a time machine? LOL? And the next one? Yup, people will remember those letters for the next election Nice try. LOL
  16. Thank you. So @BillsFanNC if these letters went out on the 20th of November, nearly two weeks after the midterms, what votes were this letter pandering for?
  17. Happy anniversary! It prompted me to see how long I've been here. It will be 20 next year as Chef Jim. I was originally LA Bill Fan but changed that in 2003 after I moved to Orange County. So who knows how long I've been here. Wow time flies.
  18. They are neither cookie nor fortuitous.
  19. Oh yeah!!?? Well I'm so old I majored in theology. It was a 30 minute class.
  20. Mom? Is that you?? Jeez and I get called old.
  21. Oooooooh. The old man found a loophole. Did he tell people that the interest is still likely accruing?
  22. Holy *****. I missed that. That's some pathetic ***** right there.
  23. I would never trust a confession. Suicide by confession? Now mass shooters apprehended red handed like the scum in Colorado Springs? Why is he still alive now? There was something to be said for old Frontier Justice.
  24. I understand you but the "no doubt whatsoever" is still the "opinion" of 12 of their peers.
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