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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. What Trump "policies" (not sure why that's in quotes) do you feel are trash and why?
  2. How come no one answered this. Again there are 7 of you who would prefer more government involvement in your lives. I would love to know why you feel this way. Because some people will do whatever it takes to support themselves and their families.
  3. I see so you don't have any sources you'd prefer just as long as they are not ones you or Reddit have deemed as fake. How about we all link, post, copy and paste whatever the ***** we want and the adults in the room with open minds can read them and do their own research to determine the veracity of the information posted.
  4. Ahhh @Melon with the ubiquitous thumbs down but no conversation. You're only good for one thing. An accompaniment to prosciutto and a poor one at that.
  5. 1. Make it safer to vote and easier to verify absentee ballots 2. How is anyone making it easier to buy guns? 3. Who is criminalizing protesting? 4. Protect youth. Even one of the most famous transgendered women in the world (and a world class athlete to boot) disagrees with you on this one.
  6. What in the world does this have to do with my post? Let me try this again. What are the approved news organizations we can link articles from? Thank you for your help.
  7. I've never understood the "deport the criminal" mentality. Not sure of the protocol but are you suggesting that this person who is accused of killing someone while reportedly driving drunk get handed over to ICE and deported? Just so he can come back and do it all over again? This person should rot in jail (I don't care if it's at US taxpayer expense) and not see the light of day. You hand them over to ICE it becomes wash, rinse, repeat.
  8. I guess before we go any further we'll be needing a list of approved news organizations. We look forward to seeing your approved list. Thank you.
  9. Don’t spend your $.15 all in one place. The lawyers will be calling me after.
  10. Were coming out of a ***** pandemic. Of course people are optimistic. Grouchy, angry, depressed?? Someone needs to look up the word pessimistic.
  11. Yummy sweat sure doesn’t sound privileged to me. 🤢 Actually I had coffee this morning.
  12. He doesn't want you to vote. When a piece starts out with something that stupid what follows is not worth my time.
  13. How is that an intimidation tactic?
  14. Please show me where Trump said what Walsh quoted him as saying. I can't seem to find it anywhere.
  15. So in your world bad advice is an intimidation tactic?
  16. Take your phone, go outside hit record on your video and start walking. Come back a post how many steps you took to find "cold crystal clear racism". Prove us wrong. You can claim it all day long but until you come back with cold and crystal clear evidence you're pushing a false narrative.
  17. My insurance is high for my car. It's because it's black.
  18. How many people do you know who do not talk or act in this fashion? So let's add how insurance prices their products to the list of things you don't understand.
  19. Please enlighten us all on the form that black people use to vote? The only thing that is constant in the world is change. I guess in your mind black people are incapable of change. How is the tax code racist? How does the HC system discriminate against people that don't have children. Hey @Melon You love the "Dislike" thumbs down response. Care to address why you tend to disagree with what I say or are you afraid?
  20. Harder for black folks to vote? So are you saying that of those people in specific geographic regions and socioeconomic groups that could be affected by these “schemes” only the “black folks” won’t be able to figure it out? I want you, and others screaming racism at these Bills, to contemplate that for a second. Personally I think you’re nuts for requiring a college degree. 😏
  21. Back to the poll. Seven people voted more government involvement. I would love to hear from those that said more. 1. Where would you like more involvement? 2. How much more involvement in that/those area(s)? 3. Why would you like more involvement? What would be the expected positive results of more government. Thanks.
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