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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Well I put my hoodie on at night because it sometimes gets chilly. Wait what? Hood? Oh....nevermind.
  2. I know nothing about the Central Park 5 and have no idea what your post that I quoted has to do with it. I asked you what makes the death penalty racist and you call me a white supremacist. Care to back up your accusations further?
  3. No according to Tibs acid rain doesn't exist anymore.
  4. That's it @Melon ? You call me a white supremacist and I call you out on it and your response is your ubiquitous thumbs down. That is a hell of an accusation.
  5. Yes I defend an approach that uses my tax dollars wisely. In this case is favors the lower cost of the highway system by purchasing cheaper land. It's not the people it's the value of the LAND. God you see racism everywhere don't you. Once you see it everywhere it will be nowhere. Daily privileges! The 50's do not exist anymore. Do you agree that time should erase the privilege? So please give me a list of my DAILY privileges. Not from decades ago but TODAY! And to your constant accusations that I don't think racism exists? I have two words for you. ***** you!
  6. Of course they're not going to when they have those damn POC to disrupt. But seriously you do understand they have to PURCHASE the private land the highways will "plow" through? Which is more cost effective? Poor neighborhood or wealthy neighborhoods? You have heard of eminent domain right? The reason I ask smart questions is allow you to reply with smart answers. Unfortunately you rarely hold up your end of the debate.
  7. This is one of the funniest (or saddest) accusations ever. Would people start pointing fingers at the geographic and socioeconomic aspects of these issues and not the color of the people effected.
  8. So they diverted the highways away from a straight route and went out of their way to go through black neighborhoods? Is this really your accusation?
  9. https://www.forbes.com/sites/geoffwhitmore/2020/10/19/when-did-president-trump-ban-travel-from-china-and-can-you-travel-to-china-now/?sh=1deafdad7484
  10. It's about as much proof of him not being a racist as you presented that he IS a racist.
  11. So you got nuthin' That's what I thought and why I asked. Carry on with your hysterical self.
  12. I went to culinary school. I can't tell you the number of instructors who asked us "why are you in this profession? You will be working crazy long hours, under incredible stress in some of the worst working conditions imaginable!" They were right however I enjoyed it for most of my 20 years in the kitchens after I graduated. I rarely complained (well my wife may disagree) and when I no longer loved it I took it upon my self to make a major career change. I agree with you. Teaching is a noble profession that seems to employ people that, for whatever reason, appear to have no idea what they were getting in to.
  13. So you say he will run low on money soon. 1. How low? 2. How soon?
  14. What fake news am I addicted to? Yes do your research. And stop being a baby bitching about where/what people are posting here. Get it?
  15. I know this is semantics but did Biden call Trump a racist for the travel ban specifically?
  16. Woohoo! I'm holding him to this.
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