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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. That’s the length of the benefits not the actual benefits. Those were raised by $25. No about this pesky raises. Care to expound upon that.
  2. Theuy cut the unemployment benefits in half? No they actually raised them. 😂😂 I’ll ask again how much of a raise did they give themselves?
  3. Wait did they vote against it or are they taking credit for it?
  4. Wait. You’re asking @BillStime to read a Bill?? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  5. @BillStime Can you tell us how much is a raise the Tennessee Representatives voted themselves?
  6. People often reload their own ya dummy. Merchants of death. 🤣
  7. I fear what gangs and the cartels will do for money if we were to legalize all drugs. They ain't selling Mary Kay. This is a stupid reason to legalize drugs.
  8. Let me ask you. Did you read THIS Bill? Wait. WTF. Did you read HB 1401?? Do you have any clue what this bill did?? Did you read THIS one?? Go ahead and read it and report back what it does. Raises.....Bwahahahaha!!
  9. We're talking politicians. This surprises you?
  10. Financial transactions come with a risk. Why cc companies charge very high interest rates. Those risks can be mitigated by the high rates/fees and insurances. It’s all part of the process and is baked into the transactions and the industry as a whole. Casting a ballot also comes with a risk of course but the question is not how do we compensate for it but how do we do the best we can to reduce it to the lowest level. Apples and monkey wrenches
  11. Comparing financial transactions to elections is comparing apples to monkey wrenches.
  12. Do you understand the what, meaning the culture? Understanding that will help getting to the why. Reverse engineer.
  13. They were raised without the nuclear family Now if you ask where/when/how that culture came to be? That will require some research. The why it’s that way today is because it’s been that way for a few generations. The how it came to be is another question.
  14. Ummmm many refrigerators are powered by coal. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  15. I wasn’t a self taught Chef. I went to one of the best Culinary Schools in the world and worked for/some of the best Chefs in LA. However I made my money after I changed careers.
  16. Greed may not solve all problems but it’s a hell of a motivator.
  17. I learned a lot more from comedy shows than I did from college. Oh wait I didn’t really go to college.
  18. What’s my motivation, as the consumer, to change? Because government said so doesn’t cut it. The infrastructure required to make electric vehicles viable would be HUGE! I truly hope you’re being sarcastic.
  19. Have you been asleep here in CA? We already have the mandate. Or recalled.
  20. It’s not even looking like our ID. They are matching up your signature on your mail in ballot with your signature on file at the DMV. If they have you on file at the DMV to match signatures why not just use your Driver Licence number?
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