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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I see. Because who you think I am is all made up in your tiny mind I'M silly. Got it. Whatever makes you feel better. So I've answered all your questions. Let's move on to mine I've asked many times. How much of a raise did those TN Assembly members give themselves?
  2. Well well well. @BillStime has no idea who I am or what I think. I never bought into the big lie. Trump lost fair and square. Please go find where I said anything to contradict that? Being lied to makes me weak? We're all lied to ever day you ***** moron. I don't even really know what Q is or stands for. I know it's some conspiracy ***** but I rarely buy into conspiracies so I never paid much attention Boy oh boy I bet you feel silly. And if you don't you're clueless.
  3. Awwww did I disappoint the poor hand wringer? Good! But you called me a snowflake. Why? You seem confused.........AGAIN!
  4. Answer: NOPE. He did not. Next question. Wait what about mine and the TN Assembly pay raises?
  5. We're talking two different things. I'll give you one reason why the Republicans are pushing back on her whether you agree or disagree. And it's actually 74,000,000 reasons. Oh and says the guy who for several days has dodged the question of how much of a raise the TN Assembly gave themselves. LOL.
  6. The fact that you think the Dems are any holier in the game of politics than the Republicans is hilarious and sad at the same time.
  7. That's not the topic under discussion. The topic is why Lynne Chaney is under pressure to relinquish her leadership role in the Republican party.
  8. Because Britain is populated by only white people.
  9. Red meat for you! LOL!! Soooooo how does this STOP black people from voting? I'll wait..............
  10. How many drop boxes were there prior to the primaries in 2020? How many mail boxes and post offices are found in the Metro ATL area? What was the purpose of the drop boxes in 2020? Do you check under your bed every night for boogey men too? How many of them do you find.
  11. How much was the raise the Tennessee Assembly Members voted themselves?
  12. My wife worked with a woman a few years ago in the Bay Area who had a friend or relative (I've forgotten which) who told my wife's co-worker she was a fool for working. Your story, and what you experienced, is exactly what seems to happen with people who have been on public assistance their entire lives and the lives of the generation(s) before them. I've always said that we should require some sort of public work to obtain public assistance. There are places in SF (like all cities) that are absolute trash heaps. "Here's a broom, shovel and trash bags. I'll be at the end of the lot with your unemployment/welfare check." Our cities would be much nicer places to live. Dispute what she says.
  13. Hey lookie here. @BillStime found a new Trump meme! Still childish and immature but new nonetheless.
  14. Now ask the same question of those who have lived in a cycle of not working. Living off social programs for a few generations. Regardless of race I bet you get very different answers. I’m pretty sure this is your point but it would be a very eye opening experiment.
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