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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I don't splurge on much. Recently it was the pool and landscaping at our home in Palm Springs.
  2. Did someone say Bugatti?? https://www.leafly.com/strains/bugatti-og
  3. See now I'm not cheap when it comes to wine. People wonder how I'm able to retire early. Easy. I no longer drink.
  4. I'll start. About a month or so ago I started working from home on Fridays. I break out my laptop this morning and my mouse doesn't work. The batteries died and I was pissed I had to use my batteries vs the ones at the office.
  5. Let's address this if and when it happens. There could be a myriad of reasons why but I will be more than happy to have an adult conversation as to why if it does in fact happen. Now being the open minded individual that I am I trust we will have the same adult conversation if the opposite happens and voting amongst blacks remains relatively the same or even increases.
  6. Yay!!! You were able to state something that is TRUE. These are issues (not very serious in my mind) that impact AMERICANS!! Not black Americans, not brown Americans, not white Americans, not Asian Americans but AMERICANS!!! You are slowly emerging from the darkness of so many things being racist. Now here's the beauty of Americans. We figure it out. Government for example does ***** all the times that sometimes forces us to adjust. This is one of them. No one's gonna die or in this case not have their vote counted. Awww my little Billsy Willsy Time. They grow up so fast.
  7. Nope. I said I never stand in line to vote anymore therefore no one NEEDS to stand in line anymore and if they do that’s on them. And even if I did what on God’s green earth does that have to do with your accusations that I say racism doesn’t exist? God you really suck at this. Next......
  8. Racism does exist ya dummy. I’ve never said it doesn’t. Now we got this lie of yours out of the way bring it.
  9. Wait. Let me ask you a question. What is the number one reason why things are reopening now?
  10. Whatever happened to taking any work you could find to put food on the table until you could find something better. Personal pride is in the shitter. How do you feel about the jobs reports pre-pandemic? Bad Good Very Good Great Chef Jim does not expect an answer.
  11. Perfect example @BillStime You reply with a laughing reaction but no debate. Bring it!
  12. 😂😂😂 I don’t think so. You rarely answer any of my attempts to get you to clarify your positions. Why is that? Why do you constantly run and hide or clam up when you’re asked to defend your positions. You can’t. Kind of like you refuse to admit you ***** uo royally when you claimed the TN assembly voted themselves a pay raise when all or did was allow them to be reimbursed for miles like almost everyone on the planet is. That one is a doozy. 😂 I’m an open book. You’re a closed minded child.
  13. Nope and it had very little to do with Trump. Now who would you point fingers at regarding the poor jobs numbers today? Funny how it’s only the person in charges responsibility when there is an R next to their name. 🙄
  14. So you refuse to debate with me. You scream Jim Crow but you have yet to ONCE point out a comparison to Jim Crow in this Bill. I consider that a lost debate from you. It's a waste of time because you are unable to defend your position. Gee, why is that? So now it's that I think systemic racism doesn't exist? I'm old enough to remember when you said I didn't think racism exists at all! Your debating skills suck.
  15. So let me see if I got this straight. Obama inherited Bushes poor economy Trump inherited Obama's good economy Biden inherited Trump's poor jobs We can't make this ***** up.
  16. So Donald Trump improved these numbers? Is that what you’re saying?
  17. As much as he controls RE prices wouldn’t you agree. But how about jobs? https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/april-2021-jobs-numbers-266k/
  18. Leave it to you to utilize the Peewee Herman “I know you are but what am I” debate technique. If you are still comparing this Bill to Jim Crow you should easily point out something in the Bill that you think harkens back to that dark time. So can you take a part of the Bill and compare it to something that was part of the Jim Crow laws.
  19. #NewJimCrow? You’re a ***** insult to those that actually had to suffer through Jim Crowe!
  20. I’m old enough to remember when those on the left were skeptical about the vaccine. “He’s rolling it out too quickly!!” Now I walk around with a 🚫💉 sewed on all my shirt pockets. “You!! Non-Vaxxer”
  21. Funny because it took the police 12 hours to respond to our security alarm in our “whitish” community because they were too busy protecting the black and brown community. 🙄
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