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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. The Coachella Valley is the only real place in SoCal where you can get a decent home for $500k
  2. Ummm...she's trying to disprove your point you made, and quoted just above you, is false.
  3. Comparing people who may have died going to a voluntary event to support someone they believe in to people who have been murdered is one of the worst things posted here in a long time. And you, for whatever reason, thought this was clever.
  4. We know....... Explain that to @BillStime This appears to be something else we can add to his long list of things he doesn't understand.
  5. We’re always gone but our guests might have a problem. Here’s a tip. Check out the calendar on AirBnB. You’ll see when it’s unoccupied. Just remember to turn the spa off when you’re done. 😁 You might want to consider reversing that. Now I don’t mean don’t wear the underwear just buy them constantly.
  6. Good Lord. No! You have to prove Trump in fact knows there aren't little green men from Mars but goes around saying there is. That's a lie. Now we could put this whole silly debate to rest if you (and others) said "I think Trump is lying" or "I feel he's lying" vs "he's lying" or "he's a liar". I always challenge that asserting when people call someone a liar because it's really hard to prove they are.
  7. You’re kinda dense aren’t you. If Tump truly felt there were little green men from Mars when we all know for a fact there are not is he, in fact, lying? Insane? Yes. Lying? No.
  8. If you’re going to debate with my please come prepared. I have never once believed what he said. I’ve always said he lost fair and square. Even if there was proof of fraud it would never have been enough votes to sway the outcome. There were fraudulent votes on both sides. I assume there always is. I’m challenge you to prove he was lying when he said he won the election. Which of course you can’t.
  9. If there are still jobs to be filled? If?? Talk to people in retail and hospitality and see if there are jobs to be filled. Your point did play a role in the market. The market is a leading indicator and Wall Street is still betting on an economic recovery.
  10. We can play this game all day long. However you’re the one accusing him of lying so it is up to you to prove your accusations. Knowing Trump, in his mind he truly felt he had won. If he really felt he won the election is it in fact a lie?
  11. The market is strangely fickle and moves for many reasons. What’s is your hypothesis as to why the market reacted the way it did today?
  12. Prove he lied. If you can prove that it’s an even better start.
  13. Wall Street is thinking that because of the poor jobs report the Feds will keep the easy money flowing. That’s not a guess.
  14. That’s not the “in relation to” we’re talking about. 🙄
  15. I had the words “in relation to” already in my back pocket. 😉
  16. Please tie Hitler’s big lie and what happened to Germany to the big lie and what could happen here. This ought to be fun.
  17. Ha! No. I’m saying the American middle class is doing just fine. These observations predate the Biden Administration by a couple decades.
  18. This would have worked the past four years too. 😂😂😂
  19. Bwahahahahaha! You've backed up very little Mr Stop Asking Me Questions!!
  20. Huh. I see an awful lot of middle class Americans shopping at places like Whole Foods, driving new cars and buying all the latest tech gadgets. Left out in the cold.
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