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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Giving up so soon? I’m not being deliberately obtuse. What do you mean this bill got caught up in politics? Where did the money go? What makes you think the same won’t happen to this Bill?
  2. Wait so now it’s more extreme? Are you confused because you sound confused. And what do you attribute this increase in the cancel culture to?
  3. Someone help out a dummy here. Let’s say I refuse to get the vaccine how am I hurting those that have been vaccinate?
  4. Why? So what do you respond with? Give me *****. Bring it. What’s wrong with the point I’ve made? You do understand how a debate works right? Oh wait. No I don’t think you do. Shall I spoon feed you your argument for you? ”But Jim. They’ve only had control of all three branches for four months!!”
  5. So you’re saying what we’re seeing here, people losing their livelihoods for having a different opinions, has been going on for years? You don’t see any more extreme use of the tactic the past 5 or so years? Must be nice to be this oblivious to the world around you.
  6. It got caught up in politics? What does that even mean? And no I don’t remember what McConnell’s one stated goal was.
  7. Obsequious? I don't think that's the word you're looking for. Anyway this bill will likely to the route of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Wasn't THAT supposed to fix our infrastructure? What happened??
  8. No word from Republicans? Dems own all three branches. Why not place any blame on them?
  9. Debate? LOL You wouldn't know a debate if it kicked you in the nuts.
  10. You have no idea the infrastructure work being done here in CA. We're good. And when we have a bill that addresses that you'll be sure to let me know correct? That's not how the government teat works and you know it. They never ever turn the spigot off.
  11. Dems saying it's because Mexicans are notoriously misogynistic in 3.....2.....1 Wouldn't that be interesting.
  12. Wait until the "Gascon Affect" really kicks in in LA. People will be leaving in droves.
  13. My mom is 95. I'm going to see her next month. But thanks for your "hope" Dr Fauci. Can someone explain to me why I need to worry about this? I didn't at the peak why should I now?
  14. I love all the infighting. God we need a third party....badly!
  15. Explain what makes me a fool. You love one party and hate for the other when they are pretty much interchangeable and you call me a fool? Clueless AND a fool.
  16. No, another conservative who knows both parties are selling us down the road. Why do you support anyone who cares nothing about you? That makes you a fool. So please tell us all where Chef Jim stands.
  17. Frugality has nothing to do with my answer.
  18. My party?? This is the thing you, for some reason, fail to understand though I've said it a million times. The GOP is not my party. You can kiss the Dems ass all you like. It just makes you look like a fool.
  19. I think it's awesome. Both parties need a big wake up call. Wake me when the Liberals begin to eat their own.
  20. When I used to drink wine was a difficult thing for me. I loved good wine but my frugality fought against the urge to buy that bottle of 1961 Lynch Bages Bordeaux. Or even a 2018 Lynch Bages for that matter. I found a great wine shop when I lived in SF, K&L Wines. I would almost always walk out of there with 10-12 bottles of their Staff Picks for Under $10. I was rarely disappointed. 12 bottles for less than the price of one of any vintage of Lynch Bages. My splurge was usually around the Holidays on some great Champagne. Like this. https://www.totalwine.com/wine/champagne-sparkling-wine/champagne/brut/krug-vintage/p/5677750?glia=true&s=1104&&pid=cpc:Core+Catalog+-+Shopping%2BUS%2BCALI%2BENG%2BSPART::google::&gclid=CjwKCAjwkN6EBhBNEiwADVfya11DySYpnVUx5q9UShtZYiqsMV6E8rueA6iH3KjIMKDBZ2KEFmmkfBoCmtAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  21. A guy walks into an insurance agency and want to insure his two dozen VERY expensive cigars. The agent says this is an usual request but wanting the commission writes up the policy. A couple weeks later the guy calls the insurance agency and wants to file a claim. Saying his cigars have all been destroyed in a series of "small fires". The agent refuses to file the claim saying that is what happens with all cigars. The guy protests stating the policy covered theft AND fire. The agent claims that is NOT the type of fire the policy stipulated. Well the guy is incensed and takes the case to court. The judge ruled in favor of the plaintiff and awards him the proceeds from the policy. A few days later the police knock at the man's door with a warrant for his arrest. "What for??" he askes. "24 counts of arson!"
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