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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. It was tough. But I made it through.
  2. Cancel the Republic! 😂😂😂 I’m proud they’ve turned you in to a sniveling child. Oh wait. I take my pride back. You were a sniveling child long before 1/6. They just kicked you up a few notches.
  3. I only work from home on Friday and that is recent.
  4. Wrong thread. But you knew that. At least I hope you knew it.
  5. Hollywood and the coastal elites told him to.
  6. Oh I think we know. She wasn't on celebrity rebab for eating too many Twinkies.
  7. As I mentioned it was glorious to participate in our company gala a couple weeks ago. A couple hundred maskless people hugging and shaking hands. And not one of us went to jail. I don't even know if anyone is sick.
  8. Is this your opinion or do you know this for a fact? No fraud? And you know this to be a fact how? I'm wise enough to know that is some level of fraud for EVERY election.
  9. Those two AAA batteries that started this whole conversation? I'm taking two from the office and taking them home to restock the ones I had to use from there. Now THAT'S ***** cheap!
  10. And he does it because he's cheap.
  11. Most of the girls I went to school with shot guns. That was over 40 years ago. What's your point?
  12. If you knew why you'd realize how un-racists Doc's point actually is.
  13. So you're finally getting it. Good job!
  14. Reading comprehension issues? That's not what he posted. Not even close. I suggest you read it again and refute what he is saying.
  15. You go one that you keep referring to over and over again. This is like a Globtrotters game where you say “Look!! The Generals scores 20 points!!” Sure did but they still got there asses kicked.
  16. Any idea what percentage of the population falls into this category?
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