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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. As per usual. When @BillStime loses a debate he rolls his eyes and walks away. Sad really.
  2. Did you not think that any of those listed lost their livelihood for having an opinion? NOT ONE??
  3. Keeping the market stable IS giving money to people. How did Trump pump trillions into the market?
  4. If they used their PPP loans to buy equipment the loan will not be forgiven. That is not the purpose of the Paycheck Protection Plan. It was to protect paychecks not update their business. Now here is the $64,000 question. If all those people were cool with making less than $15 per pandemic what changed in the last 14 months that makes it not cool? Think carefully before you answer. Let's add how CEO compensation works to the list of things @BillStime doesn't understand. Did you even read the article?
  5. It would have? The Bill is nearly 400 pages and contains nearly 150,000 words. The word food shows up once but only regarding how campaign funds can be used. The words water, drinks and/or beverages are not found. The word Volunteer shows up once and it has to do with the Inauguration. You, and the rest, really need to stop getting your information and talking points from Twitter. It make y'all a bunch of dumb Twits.
  6. I'm not sure about retail. Amazon made brick and mortar non-essential. Hospitality? People were not traveling and most can cook at home. The ones I felt that were extremely essential are gyms and fitness centers. Ours were locked up tight for months. One way to fight the virus is good health. Now you could say that people can get exercise at home. The wife and I took hikes every night after work. I was actually getting more cardio last summer than I do now at the gym. However when the time changed it was dark for several months when I got home from work so my exercise was greatly diminished. I can't tell you how happy I was when they opened back up recently.
  7. And he took holy hell when he did. Hindsight on these things is 80/20. No one had a clue and most were guessing. Some got it right and some got it wrong. But to blame that on Trump is just playing partisan politics. Look at the difference in how certain states that handled it here. Those that locked down tight (i.e. California) and those that played loose (i.e. FL) have had almost identical results. DeSantis is loved in FL while Newsom may lose his job in CA. And both thought they were doing it correctly.
  8. What did Trump do that caused the "disaster"? What should he have done to mitigate this "disaster" and how would it have changed things so there was no disaster?
  9. I spent 25 years in the industry that cooks your burger and it survived on low wages forever. But, for some reason, you want to change all that. Just because we put an apron on every day and sling hash doesn't mean we are poor. Listen to yourself.
  10. Yup I said people. These are in Academia only. Yes the list goes back a number of years but there are 100 of them from a year or so back. https://www.nas.org/storage/app/media/New Documents/academic-cancellations-updated-may-6-2021.pdf I have an argument. You just don't agree with it and are not have success arguing against it.
  11. According to you the French Fry lost it's livelihood. Gina Carano is the most recognized person to lose her livelihood when Disney let her go. And you can blame "At Will" employment for this. All of the above. 🤣 And no they often cannot sue their employer. See my point about "At Will" employement. They can get another job. Why the ***** should they have to? I have a great argument. You just can't quit figure out yours. I've made my point. You've agreed with it but for some reason you're still arguing. Pretzel Logic. It's a great album Old Man.
  12. Wow I sure riled you up. You're all over the ***** place. It's crap, it's a myth, it worse that it used to be, it's left and it's right but it's mostly left. Is this your favorite album? If not it should be. If you don't think it's dangerous (for both sides) and that people have lost their livelihood buy simply expressing their opinions then you're not paying attention.
  13. Good Lord. We are NOT talking about going back through US history. We are talking about it NOW! And how it's coming mostly from the LEFT. Do you agree or disagree that it's not only much more prevalent now but it's much more dangerous? People are afraid to speak their minds for fear of losing their livelihood. If you don't understand that then I can't help you. It's not ridiculous. So add 719er to the list of those that has no idea what the Cancel Culture is all about.
  14. Define the years? January 12 2018 at 3:46pm until now. 🙄 So you agree that it’s mostly from the left. Good! And it’s not been just the past year. I would consider the first case of it that got the most media attention was the bake shop that refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding in Colorado. That was 2012! So just because you’ve just now become aware does not mean it has just happened. And I know you mentioned the horse. I was trying to her 716 to realize he was chastising Deek for no reason. And yes that is an absurd case that few are calling cancel culture.
  15. Because, as you said, it’s gotten a lot worse. Now I want you to be honest. Where is it coming from the most the past few years. Left or right?
  16. Maybe fire extinguisher guy saw a fire down there. Maybe he’s a hero!!
  17. No I feel quite good actually. I appreciate your concern however.
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