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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I'll stop when you answer the question. You're asking for help in arresting someone when you have no idea what he did. Or do you?
  2. Stop? Why not answer the question? You made an accusation regarding the photo that it pushing a violent rhetoric. What is the context of the photo YOU shared?
  3. I’ll ask again. Whose violent rhetoric was this picture pushing? What is the context of this picture? Do you even know? And yes it’s likely disgusting that YOU’RE the one using children to push an agenda no?
  4. Single jobs report? How about inflation? It’s not fully Biden’s “fault” but he’s in charge now so he has to take some ownership no? Do you agree that we need to look to him? Whatever happened to the “the buck stops here”? You are all are so quick to blame Trump for the pandemic so logic would lead us to point some fingers at Biden? The market is typically a leading indicator and the fear of inflation is affecting the market for now at least. And of course Biden will get all the credit when the virus “disappears” and Trump, though he fast tracked the vaccine, will get none.
  5. Well I think this is pretty much proof that masks don’t do anything. The virus just needs to run its course. I know I’ll take ***** because it’s not the same but this is pretty much what happened with the Spanish flu. And we have a vaccine this time.
  6. We pay crazy gas taxes here in CA. But I will tell you they are CONSTANTLY upgrading our highways here.
  7. Now you're talking about the risk. Earlier it was being able to eat. Which is it? Why would I go on unemployment? I make good money by working. UI Insurance?
  8. How will we know who these good samaritans are? Will they be wearing a special hat? Maybe a scarlet GS on their shirts? How about a secret good samaritan handshake? You do understand why they want to prohibit the handing out out of things SUCH AS food and drink while people are in line right? What's the big deal about food and water? Maybe, just maybe, the word will get out about long lines and people can bring food and water for the line. Or are you saying they'd not be able to figure it out. You're beating a dumb drum.
  9. Oakland is a mess. I know. I lived in the hills above the Coliseum for 5 years.
  10. I can't tell you the number of people that got the "murder hug" while I was a Chef.
  11. I have a meeting in 10 minutes but I'll give you a few. 7,8,9,12,22,30,31,36,39,45 All I have time for but you get my point.
  12. I'm not sure if you were part of the epic debate a few years ago here regarding the Feds position in the government. EDIT: And we are not going there again. It was mostly me, DC Tom and Tibs.
  13. Keep going? You gave up on all the ones I presented from ONE profession. And you cherry picked the ones that were not (and I agree with you) people losing their livelihood.
  14. I can understand people not wanting to go back to work until they get vaccinated. Soooo....get vaccinated. The part about people wanting to do something different? After sitting around for 14 months watching TikTok videos they want to be Internet Influencers? I would imagine thinking about how drab their careers were pre-pandemic and wanting to do something more fulfilling has a lot to do with it but as the line in Caddy Shack goes..."the world needs ditch diggers too Danny!" Cut the gravy train and see how many of those go back to flipping burgers and stocking shelves at Old Navy. I did not gloss over it. I chose not to include it. Can you explain it to me?
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