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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Again so people flip when states require ID to vote but think it’s a good idea to have ID to leave their house?
  2. Am I hearing this correctly? ID to vote is racist but ID to ride a bus is not?
  3. What ID am I carrying? I’m not vaccinated, so I’ll just live my life. I won’t even think about who’s vaccinated in a minute.
  4. What if I’m in the methadone line masskless?? Rockin’ it mother *****!! EDIT: how will you know if I’m unvaccinated? 🤔
  5. And I know for a fact Latinx pisses off a lot of Latinas and Latinos. They are very proud of their heritage and language. Imagine if the shoe were on the other foot.
  6. Counters Redstate with a Mother Jones video that proves nothing. 😂😂😂😂
  7. So they wear mask but no one in America sitting ar a restaurant closer than they are wears one. What the ***** are we afraid of? They have since day one.
  8. No sounds like they don’t know what the ***** they are doing.
  9. No. Not much proof of it. You have proof or is it your opinion he’s a “murderous thug”?
  10. From the CDC Website. They've chosen their words VERY carefully. - Preliminary evidence suggests that the currently authorized COVID-19 vaccines may provide some protection against a variety of strains, including B.1.1.7 (originally identified in the United Kingdom). Reduced antibody neutralization and efficacy have been observed for the B.1.351 strain (originally identified in South Africa). However, across studies, antibody neutralizing activity of sera from vaccinated people was still generally higher than that observed for convalescent sera from people who have recovered from COVID-19. - A growing body of evidence suggests that fully vaccinated people are less likely to have asymptomatic infection and potentially less likely to transmit SARS-CoV-2 to others. However, further investigation is ongoing. This one if my favorite! So they are relaxing certain measures to motivate people to get the vaccine? So that's their motivation? Are they lying just to get people to comply? - Taking steps towards relaxing certain measures for vaccinated people may help improve COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and uptake. - The risks of SARS-CoV-2 infection in fully vaccinated people cannot be completely eliminated as long as there is continued community transmission of the virus. Vaccinated people could potentially still get COVID-19 and spread it to others. However, the benefits of relaxing some measures such as testing and self-quarantine requirements for travelers, post-exposure quarantine requirements and reducing social isolation may outweigh the residual risk of fully vaccinated people becoming ill with COVID-19 or transmitting the virus to others. I'm sold!!
  11. And I love how the put quotes around where Trump asked for protection for the Demonstrators. I'd like to know if he actually referred to them as Demonstrators.
  12. What role did Trump play in the summer of 2020 riots? Good for Trump to protect people coming to support him at his rally.
  13. Right up there with Isis. Who?? Bwahahahahahaha!! And Democracy is a threat to White Supremacy not the other way around. Hysteria for no reason.
  14. San Rafael and Richmond. Know the areas well. Lived in the Bay Area for 9 years and traveled through both to get to wine country. I'm back in SoCal where I first moved to in 1983. And Cuba Lake! My cousin has a house on the lake. Or at least he used to.
  15. How does being vaccinated keep me from killing gramma?
  16. I'm not sure how big the threat is to the Republic. Those claiming it is don't like my asking. Gee I wonder why.
  17. So I have to continue to wear a mask if I'm not vaccinated? Who am I protecting other than myself?
  18. I'm trying to book a flight for July. The rental car is going to be more than the flight from CA.
  19. So sorry I’m trying to understand your position. You say it’s a threat to the Republic. Ok that’s fine. What makes you say that? That is how a debate works my friend.
  20. It’s the boogie man du hour while out pipeline are being held for ransom. Cyber security (or lack thereof) is, in my opinion, is by far the biggest threat to the Republic. Russia and China would laugh their butts off if we put white supremacy at the top of the list.
  21. Well this was the most predictable response. Care to address the rest of my post?
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