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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Really?? For a cortisone shot? ***** awesome!! Thanks man.
  2. Ok ok guys I got a shot and man do I feel great!!! Can I remove my mask now?
  3. What about Trump getting help from the “murderous Putin”? Any proof of that are is that ALSO a big lie?
  4. Wait. You’re expecting Government to work out details of how things they propose are supposed to work? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 No really........ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Remember “we must pass this Bill to find our what’s in it.” Now I’ve given Nancy a pass in that because I think she meant was “we need to pass this Bill to see how it works” But that’s just as incriminating. EDIT: And the whole mask thing is motherment saying “eat all your veggies and you get dessert!” 🙄
  5. Nope. Not how it works. The article @BillStime linked said police officers were brutally beaten. So he, and you too, are saying officers were brutally beaten. How many? It’s funny how you all B word about my questions. But here’s the thing. They give you all the opportunity to make your points. The fact that my questions are rarely answered likely means the answers do not substantiate your points. Call them gotcha questions if you like. Because they often are. “Gotcha lyin’”.
  6. Wait so is Trump or Fox News demanding Trump be given credit? So confusing. Why I ask so many questions. I’m only trying to follow along. Cut this old man some slack. You damn ageist.
  7. Alway with the complaints but never an idea of how to solve the problem. What do you suggest?
  8. Hundreds? How about thousands. 12 times the number of people die at the Grand Canyon each year than died the Capital. Tourism is VERY dangerous. I suggest you stay home.
  9. I’m not freaked out. I’m very much against having to prove something that is 100% voluntary to go out to eat or get a job. Did he beg for credit or ask for just a mention? Such a confusing Tweet. I suggest you put down the Twitter feed ya twit.
  10. How about address my point. Deflection is a lost debate tactic.
  11. Triggered? Me? Nah. I’m triggering you and it’s so ***** easy. 😂
  12. How about this. How about you form your own opinion by thinking about what is ACTUALLY happening instead of reading what other people want you to believe. Kind of like that time you believed some other knucklehead who said the TN Assembly voted themselves a pay raise when in fact all their did was allow themselves to be reimbursed for miles like the rest of the world does. Boy you sure ran away from that one quickly didn’t you. And yes I watched the whole video. He laments voter suppression over and over when the GA Bill actually does not contain voter suppression. And don’t give me that whole 250 closed precincts not being reopened by the Bill is voter suppression. People can still vote by mail which is soooooo much easier. After the first time I voted absentee I decided I will never vote in person again.
  13. Dark money? 😂 Restricting voting rights? 😂😂 And you’re going with that? 😂😂😂 Really guys. Stop getting your arguments from Twitter and use your brains. Tiny as they may be.
  14. So are you suggesting the voter rolls need cleaning up?
  15. You think businesses that have been ***** for over a year being required to either be shut down completely or reduced capacity are going to go with that? Good luck. Ain’t gonna happen.
  16. No you’re requiring a vaccine to leave your house and you can’t leave your house without your ID that shows you’ve been vaccinated
  17. Mrs Governor: Doctor! What’s wrong with my husband? Doctor: Well first I have bad news. And then real bad news. The bad news is he’s dying from boredom. And the real bad news is that because he did it to himself your insurance won’t cover it.
  18. What about that pizza, six pack and ice cream you had tonight?
  19. It’s not if I’m denied it for not getting jabbed with a needle.
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