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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. "We" asked for it? Who is this "we" you're talking about? How about the Conservative mantra? Lower taxes less government and less government waste? You do realize that one of the biggest company line item expense is employee compensation? So dollars coming into a corporation will be taxed TWICE. Once as a gross receipt tax and then again through employee compensation? Again think before your propose.
  2. It's not the rate it's where on the P&L it's calculated. And mom and pops (and all corporations) are going to add to their top line to compensate for the top line tax you suggest. So you propose a 5% or 10% top line tax be prepared for 5%-10% increase in the cost of goods sold.....inflation! Then you go on to exempt certain gross profits from this top line tax? So any company/business below that amount pays zero tax? Please think about how this all works before you throw out suggestions. I have not said what is the best route. You say they hide profits in "my scheme". What scheme have I proposed? No need to respond because I've proposed no "scheme". What I'm saying your suggestion of taxing gross receipts is not well thought out at all.
  3. Cool! So you have no response to my Amazon example? Are you ready to pay more for goods by taxing gross profits? Are you ready for large layoffs? How about the mom and pop places that struggle to pay the bills of their business to begin with. You want to carve 10% right off their top line? I'm not the one being naive here. I'm being realistic.
  4. How would they “finagle” their books? What loopholes would you eliminate?
  5. Let’s do some math shall we. Amazon’s Gross Income (net sales) 2020 - $382b. 10% of that is $38b. Amazon’s Taxable Income in 2021 was $20b. So by your method they’d have no profit and actually a loss. Guess which expense is the easiest to reduce to increase profits? That’s right. Helloooooo more robots. You should run for office. You’ve thought this through as much as a politician has.
  6. Some idiot. Had to shut him up. I think he he a crush on me. Whatever floats your boat.
  7. I wish I did. I’d be a ***** bazillionaire.
  8. Hey happy Saturday. How’s life treating you? Glorious day here today!
  9. Ok a flat tax on what? Corporate profits? You really think corporations don’t have ways to shelter profits.
  10. Good for you but millions did not only feel locked up but were. Hard to go on with your daily life when you are required to work from home, not go to a gym for that much needed workout, restaurants were verboten and churches were shut down. Glad you got yours but not all were able to go about their normal daily lives. We all missed some things small and some things extremely important like the death of a loved one.
  11. I got a cortisone shot for my shoulder yesterday. I asked "hey can you put some of the Vaccine in that thing for a twofer?"
  12. Why? Wait I know why.......TRUMP!
  13. Good Lord. I'm a non-believer and have not been to church in forever and even I know it was in April. That's ***** embarrassing.
  14. My dad was in the early stages of dementia when he died. They found him in his house amongst turned over furniture. They initially thought it was a crime scene. To this day no one knows what prompted the rage.
  15. This is not proven science this it hypothesis driven science. "We think"
  16. If you don’t eat your meat you can’t have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat??
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