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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Well sure. They're fudging the numbers.
  2. And Newsom is going to use the surplus to buy votes against his recall. Dumbass.
  3. How are they discriminating against transgender children/people? I assume it's kind of how they're prohibiting people of color from voting.
  4. Ahhh yes. The ole we got ours so ***** y'all. So you'd be cool with a biological boy beating the snot out of your daughter?
  5. Let me ask you. If the Republicans are soooo terrible and Democrats are sooo wonderful will people get an ID and vote by mail? What are the hoops they must jump through?
  6. Good. Wait which thread am I in?? Your posts are all the same regardless of the topic.
  7. Just trying to keep up with you. Well I don’t think you actually lie. You’re just that gullible.
  8. So I get my normal life back? 😃 Oh wait. I’m not vaccinated. So that makes my life.......
  9. Damn if you guys had only thought of this when Trump was in charge. We know you wanted to but you just didn't have the balls to do it. Letting anger out is cathartic.
  10. You're just jealous because you guys didn't think of this when Trump was in the WH.
  11. This could be fun. How about we go back and share the early posts in this thread when we had no idea what was going on. Well we still don't but this should lighten things up. I'll start.
  12. He sure does need help. You're referring to Biden right?
  13. Well now there is something that you and the January 6th insurrectionists likely have in common.
  14. Of course they're good ideas. Those ideas are not part of the current tax policies so therefore they are not stuck in the current "absurd" tax policies. And keep in mind we are talking about only one side of the government balance sheet. How about an amendment that requires the government only spend, let's say, 80% of that years tax receipts. The other 20% goes into a "rainy day fund" that can be used for things such as pandemics, market crashes, high unemployment, stimulus, war. Because the government spends every penny it takes in plus there is always a mad scramble to print money to fix problems that have always, and always will, come up.
  15. The number one Conservative ideal has NOTHING to do with government. The individual is solely responsible for their personal success. Personal responsibility is a hell of a motivator. So you don’t want to address the challenges of taxing top line gross receipts? For an old man you sure sound like a child demanding things with zero thought about how things really work. TAX GROSS RECEIPT DAMMIT!!! What would I do? 1. Eliminate the ability to shift profits to foreign subsidiaries. 2. Eliminate accelerated depreciation 3. Incentivize US based companies to repatriate foreign assets. You know....grown up things.
  16. Name me one real conservative in the House. Let’s start with what are true conservative beliefs? Can you name at least three? You don’t understand the negative repercussions of taxing gross receipts. https://taxfoundation.org/gross-receipts-tax/ FTA Gross receipts taxes impact firms with low profit margins and high production volumes, as the tax does not account for a business’ costs of production. Startups and entrepreneurs, who typically post losses in early years, may have difficulty paying their tax liability. Gross receipts taxes impose costs on consumers, workers, and shareholders. Prices rise as the tax is shifted onto consumers, impacting those with lower incomes the most. Some firms may lower wages to accommodate the tax, reducing incomes. Other job opportunities may be limited as well. We need to implement your plan because government has spent us into oblivion. Conservatives are “do not spend more than you make!” It works for the Individual but for some reason not the government??
  17. Hey! Question Time!! How is open carry SUICIDE for POC? How does Stand Your Ground NOT apply to POC? How does an Anti Riot Bill threaten minorities and POC? How are new voting Bills equal to Jim Crow? Your posts are actually getting stupider. I didn't think that was even possible.
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