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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. After? Why will they regret it? Wouldn’t the results be exactly the same whether they participated or not?
  2. If this few hour raucous get together was a threat to the Republic China and Russia are likely rethinking their tactics and the associated costs. 🙄
  3. How many vaccines will it likely take for all these different viruses?
  4. I don't think this is. I just think she's not very intelligent. She's your typical politician. Come up with "idea" without even beginning to think it through. FIFY
  5. I can't imagine anyone who has gotten this far along in life (let alone politics) thinks this is a good idea. Whatever the ***** was/is she thinking??
  6. Who was the counter party in Trump's letter of intent regarding the RE venture?
  7. That's not what the tweet @BillStime posted said. You guys really really really need to stop getting your information from Twitter. Seriously....
  8. Now it's Trump's Riot. He was cheering the rioters on while watching on TV.
  9. Wait let me get this straight. Politicians are playing politics?? It's funny how you appear to think the Democrats are angelic while thinking the Republicans are evil. As Governor Lepetomane was so bold to state: GENTLEMEN! WE MUST PROTECT OUR PHONY BALONEY JOBS!! They don't want to go to jail. See how easy it is to answer questions.
  10. What percentage of those accused of crimes take responsibility for their actions? I'll give you a hint. It's likely small.
  11. Approval ratings are for the prom King and Queen. The teacher that most people look back upon with the most fondness was the one they considered the biggest a-hole at the time. To an accountant they are not. But @oldmanfan's plan of taxing gross revenues they become COGS which is dumb.
  12. How much? More interesting racist like words. Unless of course you grew up in the 40’s.
  13. As I mentioned several months ago. This will go the route of the Spanish flu. “Gone” in under 2 years.
  14. We'll let you think about why more drugs are being confiscated at the border now. Take your time. It will eventually come to you.
  15. I know you said you recently retired. I think that's fantastic but you really need to find some different hobbies. LOL
  16. No they've not killed comedy. They've killed the sense of humor.
  17. Here's the concern. Will those that choose to wear one respect your choice not to. Stay tuned................
  18. This is a very telling combination of words. Freudian slip by chance?
  19. I'm not even sure why we track these stats. Until we look at us all as Americans vs categorizing us based on our color/ethnicity this us vs them will never change.
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