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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Deflection? No. Get back to us when one of these many accusations against Trump and is organizations sticks.
  2. Ahhh the poor Bills fan's ongoing jealousy of probably the most successful franchise in sports history. Keep politics out of sports and sports out of politics
  3. Spygate?? If you think this was a good use of taxpayer money I can’t help you. If Trump shut it down good for him.
  4. Between Biden’s follies and red states conducting election audits? You’re little Billy from the Family Circus aren’t you?
  5. Yes obsession. And what on God's green earth does your obsession with Trump have to do with audits? You're all over the ***** place. Take a break man.
  6. Wrong thread.........AGAIN! You're obsession is pretty pathetic. Also wrong thread.
  7. Now I'm not in the habit if taking advice but giving advice? Certainly. I do know of a GREAT AirBnB on a golf course. Unfortunately it's about 150 degrees there that time of year.
  8. My father in law had a death warrant out on him by the Nazis. He fled Germany. He wrote a book about it. Dude is probably rolling in his grave. 😡
  9. I have a Green Egg I can give you. I was going to give it to @Gugny but I don’t think he wants it anymore.
  10. And everyone ***** about large corporations using legal tax loopholes. I can’t tell you the number of small business tax returns I’ve seen where they are not using loopholes but are actually running things through their business that they are not allowed to but do anyway to reduce their taxable income.
  11. From the horses mouth. I believe “Misinformation” is information they feel is wrong. Why not post it all and let us do our own research and decide. I hate that they (Twitter FB et al) feel it’s their job to determine what’s correct and what’s false. https://about.fb.com/news/2020/04/covid-19-misinfo-update/
  12. That’s exactly how I felt regarding Hillary. Like she was talking to a class of kindergarteners.
  13. Nice poll. 60% net approval with 33% of those somewhat approve. What the ***** ideas that even mean? While a net 60% of Americans approve of McDonalds 33% those somewhat approve citing “Hey! Ya gotta eat right?”
  14. Yes but I can not be vaccinated and not wear a mask and no one will be the wiser. It’s nothing at all like the start, middle or end of the Holocaust.
  15. What were these Trump orders that specifically said to do what eventually happened?
  16. More story time. My dad was a ski instructor at Holiday Valley forever. He tells a story of riding the lift after he moved there. A couple see’s he’s in an instructor’s jacket and asked if he was local. He said yes. But prior he was in Attica for 30 years. He said they scooted over a bit on the lift. LOL Not sure. But bake me a Stromboli with a file and we’ll make it short.
  17. Here’s my friend’s reply: No, Dickey Betts was the only act, Betts staff refused to use the flat bed to set up, saying not big enough, etc, then kept deposit $$, and big argument went down, that’s the story I know, I’m good thanks 😊 Thanks for your advice and of course I ignored it. I keep the keys handy at ALL times.
  18. I am now remembering the Leslie West thing too. I'll let you know what my friend says.
  19. I'm friends with the bass player from Julius. We used to jam around town a million years ago. I just messaged him to see if that was the same show as the Dickey Betts one.
  20. I'll be gone by then. I grew up maybe 5 miles from the rodeo grounds. My grandparents are buried right across the street. Had a friend ride bulls there and a classmate barrel race there but I have never been to the rodeo there. Went to a few Brad West concerts there in the 70's. They were a lot of fun with local bands like Julius and #### Robin. One year Brad scored big time and had Dickey Betts as a headliner. Well here we were 10 feet from the stage waiting for Dickey to show. Waited and waited and waited and no Dickey. There was a guy behind us. A spitting image of Twiggs Lyndon the road manager for the Allman Brothers. He had a wildwoods cigar in his teeth. Kept muttering "Where's Dickey Betts? We want Dickey Betts. Where's Dickey Betts?" I (probably 15 or 16 at the time) turn around and say "he's not ***** coming!! Jesus!!" I'm surprised Brad didn't get run out of town for that fiasco. Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice. I'm a big huckleberry fan. I'll be there.
  21. Yes! Transform how we vote. With ID and via mail or online! They are not traitors but is passing on their ideals (Left or Right) to impressionable children a power trip or not? Take a look at what has been going on in our university system for the past generation or so.
  22. Until they're not which with history has shown us always happens. Why I've not gotten mine yet. Well one of the reasons.
  23. The pandemic is over!! I have booked my trip for the end of July beginning of August. Let the ignored advice begin!
  24. Then Chicago gets what they deserve. However the silent minority really needs to rise up and point out the absolute hypocrisy of this.
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