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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Wrong thread...........again. @BillStime King of the Whataboutists speaks again.
  2. I'll have a chute right?? Just fit us all with a ***** swear ***** word ***** filter and the ***** kid will be o-*****-kay
  3. Where did I say he was right? You call the cancel culture crap all the while calling for the cancellation of the priest for his opinion. Awesome! Point out where my post lacked common decency.
  4. And of course @oldmanfan immediately calls the Priest a racists without knowing a damn thing about him and calls for his expulsion from the church. Funny how @oldmanfan called the cancel culture a load of crap. I guess he calls it that because he doesn't know what it truly is. Hey @oldmanfan! Want to really know what the cancel culture is? I suggest you look in the mirror.
  5. And if previous protests are any indicator it’s likely a safe bet that a good majority of those protesters are not POC’s. Hence why he may have called them maggots and parasites.
  6. A guy dies at 33 and your response is “oh well?” I would love to see you go to his funeral and shake everyone’s hand and say “oh well....” Enjoy your food through a straw the rest of you life.
  7. I love the way you popped supporting Trump in with a list of atrocities.
  8. In order to get me to parachute there won’t be any wine left.
  9. You always seem to post content in the wrong thread. @BillStime King of the Whataboutists!
  10. "The sins of others are always fascinating to human beings, but they are not always the best way to self-development of self-advancement." - Thomas Sowell
  11. Huh. Sounds fun. I may look into this. Do I need an invitation or do I just show up?
  12. Spin. When you are losing an argument you throw out some nonsensical bs. In case you forgot “my generation” was extremely involved in bringing all races together. Remember hippies? Your generation? Cry B word moan wrings it’s hands and complains. Continue to dwell I’ll continue to discuss solutions. CTR
  13. Who said anything about sweeping it under the rug? Go back and read what i said. You dwell on the errors of the past. I'll focus on the possibilities of the future. You know.....progressive.
  14. That they not teach CRT in schools. It's a very flawed theory and does just the opposite of what we need which is positive race relations focusing on the future and not dwelling on the mistakes of the past. It does nothing, or very little to bring all the races together. It does just the opposite in my opinion.
  15. Comprehensive. What makes CRT comprehensive or better how are children taught the history of race holistic ?
  16. Teaching CRT, especially how it’s taught, gives pretty much one side to the racial debate. So much for allowing the children to learn critical thinking. 🙄
  17. There is one thing that is more boring than sports. That’s betting on sports. In the words of Jim Rome: If you’re not cheating you’re not trying.
  18. Do you think that scandal deserved investigation by the government?? LOL!! And I’m not bragging about their success. It speaks for itself. Same as the Bills’ years and years of mediocre spoke for itself.
  19. Yes you could give two ***** about me. Obviously because you appear to not know anything about me. I rarely come back with the “ha!! I told you so!” That’s boorish and immature. And because you think I really care about you “getting back to me” means you didn’t get my point.
  20. So educate us. What is the background, meaning and expected end result of CRT?
  21. No. A Grand Jury convening is precursor to charges being filed. So we're still in the accusation stage. Again get back to me when charges are filed and then again when those charges stick. Yawn v35.
  22. Speak about it all you want. The number of accusations the past 5 or so year with NONE sticking have become meaningless, boring and pretty pathetic don't you think?
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