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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Awwww poor baby. Now answer my question. Do you want guns banned?
  2. I had no need for a passport because I had never traveled abroad. Then I wanted to travel abroad and the only way to do that was with a passport. So I got a passport. Damn it’s good to be white. 🙄
  3. Out of context economics 101 and you fall for it hook, line and sinker. Back to the tool shed with you.
  4. There is no book and you know it you dumbass. Hence the word THEORY. The way CRT is taught is all feels. So because you had an accident we should ban guns. Awww poor Billy go hurt. I crashed bad on a bike as a kid. Should we ban bikes? Anyway here is an interracial couple's thoughts on your beloved CRT https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/eli-steele-interracial-couple-fights-critical-race-theory-in-one-of-americas-most-integrated-towns FTA: You want a GOP policy that benefits all Americans? That's easy. Stop spending money we don't have. For instance how many GOP governors have stopped the unemployment gravy train. Do you or do you not agree with that?
  5. CTR, appears to me anyway, to place 100% of the blame of the social and economic challenges of POC on white people, racism and white supremacy. Now while this may factor in its not the ONLY factor. I’m a HUGE proponent of looking inward and self introspection. We are all responsible for our successes or failures regardless of the roadblocks in our way. Ageism is real and having just turned 60 and a boomer I get it all the time. My response? ***** it! Who cares. I’m going to succeed in spite of those roadblocks. So this is why I have repeatedly said you dwell on the past all you want. It does accomplish some things but nowhere near what people, of any color, can accomplish by focusing on the possibilities of the future. In your opinion what is the end game of CRT? And why do you hate guns? And I have really really bad news for you. They are going nowhere. Even if they were outlawed. As the saying goes. You criminalize guns only criminals will have guns. And, to me, that’s a very scary thought.
  6. Who’s JC? You confused Billy because you sure seem confused. Get rid of the guns. And how exactly to you propose they do that?
  7. I wouldn’t dare? Coward? Why is that? I like him. Same reason you never call our your buddies on the left. You new here? 😂
  8. Do what I do. Squeeze out the pad into a shot glass. Add a bit of salt and fresh ground black pepper and voila! Dead cow shooters!! ❤️
  9. Wrong thread….again. Back to the tool shed with you King of Whataboutists.
  10. Again someone appears to have a) no idea what CRT theory is and b) how it’s being taught. If all it did was teach the history of racism most conservatives would have no problem with it. Back to the tool shed with you!! What would you consider responsible gun legislation? I’ve given my ideas a few times. If you’ve given yours forgive me for asking again but I’d like to hear your ideas. I came here to share this. Thanks.
  11. Wait….politicians did something that was political?? You guys are all idiots if you believe one politician is any better than the other. Tools to the left of me tools to the right.
  12. It takes time to get to the root cause of immigration and she needs to focus on that. Let me help you madame VP. Their lives suck in their native countries. America is the land of milk and honey and there is promise of more free ***** on the horizon. Ok madame VP. You can go back to doing whatever it is a VP does which in my long lifetime has appeared to be essentially nothing.
  13. Says the guy who said he heard racial slurs all the time playing hockey. Good job! 🙄
  14. I sure hope so. As a professional Chef I have a hard time scaling down for two. Wife and I have been living on last year’s Fourth BBQ leftovers for nearly a year.
  15. No no no. They’re going to ***** this country up so badly immigrants will no longer want to come. It’s a brilliant plan actually. 🙄
  16. Again get back to me when any of this sticks. You guys are hilarious.
  17. Harris' team "has emphasized that she's going to be focused more on diplomatic efforts, on dealing with the leaders of those countries and trying to get at the root causes of why people are leaving these countries to begin with." America is the greatest place in the world to live. Where they come from is not. Ok my work is done here. The root cause........... Ok I had to look that up.
  18. Tibs is off his rocker. 😂😂😂 Ooooh....you told him didn’t ya! 👍🏻
  19. Trump's Covid kills nearly 600,000 Americans. BEST PANDEMIC EVER!!
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