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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Yeah, I'll get right on it. In the meantime you can read this. https://www.hoover.org/research/californias-education-department-chooses-critical-race-theory-over-100000-objections And then there is this. And it's not the curriculum as much as it's the adlibbing the teachers are likely doing. And no I have no proof of this but take the blinders off and deal in reality. https://achieve.lausd.net/cms/lib/CA01000043/Centricity/Domain/226/Ethnic Studies Survey Course .pdf And as usual....... Back to the tool shed with you.
  2. I'll step in here for you B-Man. Ahem.............. The second largest school district in the country. And that's just for starters.
  3. Jesus. What a dummy. And she texts like a 16 year old. A DRUNK 16 year old.
  4. Ok I need to be filled in on this. What did Cher Tweet? It's been deleted.
  5. I gave you facts couched as opinions. God you're not very smart are you. And of course you didn't read the article I linked did you.
  6. I gave you examples of both. You just didn't like them. Back to the tool shed with you!!
  7. With the exception of that bb gun incident that has you calling for the banning of guns. I actually had that it was likely both in my post but deleted it because I felt it was redundant seeing who we're talking about. LOL
  8. Again. Someone has no idea what CRT is and how it's being taught in our schools. You're being disingenuous or dumb if you think CRT is about teaching the history of race relations in this country. Good lord...........
  9. Wow. People like her!! That's a hell of a resume. Good for her. So they elected a Prom Queen. And you're proud of her for sponsoring or co-sponsoring nearly 700 Bills. Again good for her. But how many have been penned into law? Kind of like sales. You're not judged by the number of deals you write up. You're judged by the number of deals closed.
  10. Tantrum? Ha. No trying to learn what made the Bill racist. Never did find out. Oh well…..
  11. Why? Because it will make things better for them. It’s this real cool thing. It’s called charity. She has a better resume than anyone here? A couple of questions. 1. Do you know any of our resumes 2. What makes here better?
  12. How old am I asks the boy who posts childish meme after childish meme. 😂😂😂🙄🙄🙄
  13. Not sure where to put this but I’ll plop it here. I got my haircut yesterday. The woman had the whole shop to herself. I asked where all her help was. She said out until August. I said out where? She said they are refusing to come back because they make more money not working. We’ve created a monster. Yeah…Universal Living Income is a great idea. 🙄
  14. Awesome. I own it! More equity for me. What a ***** crybaby you are. 😂😂😂
  15. Quit with the hysterics. The Republic isn’t going anywhere. You said something really stupid. Own it.
  16. I don’t hate her. I don’t know her. The new green deal pushed by a lie? That’s where I have against her. And sorry to sound like I’m botching just to hear myself B word but now it sounds like she’s trying to do to much. Change the world. I learned a LONG time ago it’s best to do a few things exceedingly well and a buch half assed.
  17. Doubling down on being an ####### I see. Bravo Billy. Smh.
  18. And with your saying D-Day was all for naught? Thad show it fits you like a glove. I hope you’re proud of yourself saying that the reported 2,500 Americans that died on D-Day died for naught. 🤬
  19. All for naught?? And you call me a POS and to GFM? 😡😡😡🤬😡🤬🤬
  20. So someone who complains the government didn’t save people wants the government to save people. Got it. Oh and AOC’s policies will not change this. The main problem government can’t (or doesn’t help) is due to it being bloated and her policies will only exacerbate the situation. Ok defender of a more bloated government. What has she accomplished outside of bitching and hand wringing?
  21. Yes it does. That’s the basis for adult political discourse. Do you want guns banned because you ounce got shot by someone who knows nothing about gun safety?
  22. So why not accept the money and use it to help other?
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