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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Well now this is ***** weird. You claim it’s not about whataboutism because it’s relevant to a post you didn’t even read? Huh.
  2. They arrested him to prevent him from getting Covid from the crowd?? PPP?? WTF?? You need a new whataboutism bit.
  3. It’s his convoluted way of sticking it to Putin’s “puppet” Trump. He feels if Putin goes down he’ll take Trump with him. I’m not a psychologist nor did I stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night. These guys and their hatred are just that transparent.
  4. That’s great but at $28k for the solar install that’s a 15-16 year break even. Even so seeing our electric bill is our highest monthly bill here in the summer I’ll take the lower monthly bill. We’re weird. We didn’t use the AC a ton this summer. 10-12 hours a day max.
  5. Yes, it’s strange to cheers on these Covid weary folks after cheering on our government during our lockdowns.
  6. Too much booze or upset about work/school tomorrow? How many times do we have to tell you hate will just tear you up. Have some leftovers. They’ll soak up the booze.
  7. Sundays appears to be extra-special days of hate for him. It's either he drinks too much while watching football or he just hates Sundays because he has to go to work tomorrow.
  8. Bilstime racking up the Idiot posts today. Good job dude.
  9. I’m very surprised to hear this. He, in my opinion, is the Dems best offering at this point. Don’t get me wrong I don’t like the guy I’m just making an observation. https://ktla.com/news/california/gov-newsom-says-he-wont-run-for-president-in-2024-even-if-biden-doesnt-seek-reelection?utm_source=ktla_app&utm_medium=social&utm_content=share-link
  10. Too soon to tell. See I use critical thinking. You should try it sometime.
  11. So Trump is a Nazi? Gee how original.
  12. So by pointing out your hatred but not others means I'm defending them? Whatever you do for a living utilizing logic is likely not one of the required skill sets.
  13. I'm not brining my feelings into this conversation at all. I'm bringing your feelings of hate by calling people you've never met idiots and freaks. What do you do for a living? It would be interesting to know what your major skill set is.
  14. What Nazis am I defending?
  15. I saw this a couple weeks ago. I hope the struggling heterosexual community rises up. But they won't. SF is sheeple country.
  16. Doubled down with freaks and idiots. Hate example #18. The hate is running high with this one today.
  17. They've been talking about the "surge" in Covid hospitalizations in LA county. There is a very interesting footnote. Of those admitted only 40% were admitted because of Covid. The other 60% were admitted for something else but tested positive for Covid. So is it safe to say that the number of deaths FROM Covid vs those WITH Covid could have been a similar ratio?
  18. How much of what you disagree with, and only disagree with, do you think you label as fake news? You know it happens. It happens to all of us. And there you go again calling people you've never met idiots. There are probably plenty of times these so called idiots were actually right but you disagreed with their message and called them idiots. Not very critical thinking of you is it.
  19. See what coming? That I have nearly 3 times as many posts as you and you've used the word idiot more than me. Yeah...I saw that coming. So you call everyone you disagree with an idiot and that is a fact to you? No, my friend, that's not fact, that's vitriol. Hate example #17 and this is a BIG one.
  20. Still a drop of 6% from October 2021 but yeah but good news........🙄
  21. Oooh look at you using the search function like a big boy. You lead the pack in vitriol here and you know it.
  22. Follows up his "rent free" post with this.
  23. Hate example #16 Your point would have been sufficient without the vitriol. And you wonder why we all point out your anger.
  24. It’s a perfect he said she said scenario that is impossible to prove. It’s likely another attempt at smearing Trump. Impeccable timing after all these years.
  25. I can NEVER do self checkout. They don't allow booze.
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