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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. God you are the witty one aren’t you. The ole Peewee Herman retort. 👍🏻 Time to sharpen the debating skills. Looks like I’m going up against The 716er Fixer.
  2. No on the doorbell and yes on a mailbox for their citizenship applications. "We'll get back to you."
  3. Funny. I just googled BillStime and this came up. I think we just figured out that @BillStime is @716er's sister. Makes sense.
  4. And they're still working on the root cause. It's not rocket surgery Kamala. Their lives suck. Our lives are fantastic by comparison. Green Acres here we come!! Done and done!!
  5. Well one out of three ain't bad. Actually it's really bad. Quite presumptuous of you.
  6. They don't control it but they absolutely can influence and affect it. If he had balls he would.
  7. You need AC to live someplace where it's hot? I always assumed you were a *****. Thanks for the confirmation.
  8. Medicare sucks, social security is a ponzi scheme, our air is hazardous, our drinking water is contaminated and our roads are a mess. Right on government!
  9. In court right now? I’m going get you a watch to match your thread GPS. We’re gonna make you an adult before you know it.
  10. I’m going to get you a thread GPS for Christmas. You seem to get lost a lot around here.
  11. Aaaaand we are such a racist country he won again in 2012!! God we suck <Chef Jim hangs his head in shame.> But seriously if there were that many white supremacists in the country how come they didn't rally to defeat this black man??
  12. Wrong thread. @BillStime King of the Whataboutists strikes again. Damn I'm having a hard time keeping up with this. How long they been working on that DNA? Why didn't the woman sue Biden? You may want to ask her and her bank account.
  13. Nah. I pay my taxes the old fashioned way. From my earnings not donations from strangers.
  14. I'm going to start the Taft Project and solicit donations from fat people to pay my fat tax bill.
  15. When’s he doing his “Perp Walk”? Surely they found enough evidence by now? What’s the hold up?
  16. You’re close. It’s a group obsessed with Trump. Yea I can see why you would like this “mainstream” group. Mainstream? Seriously?? 😂😂😂😂😂
  17. Sorry. Not the article. A tweet from the Lincoln Project. 🙄
  18. And you give me ***** for posting articles from the Hoover Institute. 😂😂😂
  19. Again, and pay attention this time. There is no playbook Just like when Doug Flutie was a QB he had no playbook. He made it up as he went along and why I really hated him. CRT is and likely will be taken so far out of context to push an anti-white agenda by many liberal teachers. If you think this is not happening or will not happen I can't help you. Now what part of CRT do you like and why?
  20. Ok here is one of my bigger gripes with CRT. It states that racism is not biological but a social construct. Huh....isn't social construct by it's nature biological?
  21. OH NO!! I posted something from a conservative site. Asked to be taken seriously by someone who time and time and time again posts dumb Trump memes. This post above, is likely the hypocritical post of the year. Now back to the question you've dodged for many days. What do you know about CRT and what do you like the most about it?
  22. It appears you know very little about CRT. It is not solely about teaching history. As a matter of fact it has very little to do with history. It is a theory and history is very much rooted in fact not theory. No one, not a goddamn one of us is denying the teaching of history. But you keep going with that angle. It makes you look even more foolish than you already are. Where have you shared your thoughts about what you like about CRT?
  23. Never a comment on the content only the source. You still have yet to articulate why you love CRT so much. What is it about the theory that you agree with to the point is should be taught in our schools. What are your thoughts about CRT? CRT is not about learning history. @BillStime with "now do Chef Jim" in 3.....2.....1......
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