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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. And these are the children that are going to be hurt the most by people like @BillStime who seem to be cool with girls potentially being harmed by men. Their feelings/thoughts on this matter are inconsequential to him. I hope your proud of yourself.
  2. Surrenders? What makes you think I surrender? You didn't even answer my question. Putz. I hope your daughter or granddaughter doesn't get body slammed on the field hockey field by a 19 year old flunky man who identifies as a girl. I care more about your family than you do it appears.
  3. Pigs? From the one who is all for the physical and mental abuse of teenage girls by MEN? We’re not searching for a problem. We found it. It’s you!
  4. You suck at reading comprehension or you're so ***** worked up over this you're posting ***** that is false. So let me ask you one simple question. Why are you so adamant about MEN participating against girls in sports? What are you trying to accomplish by this? Oh and by the way great typo (I sure hope it's a typo) in your post. Relax and slow down Billy boy.
  5. I gave you examples. You, for whatever reason, cast them aside. So what you're saying it is IMPOSSIBLE for a man to use his biology as an unfair advantage that could cause physical or emotional harm to a girl. Got it. You do realize laws are sometimes created to prevent possible harm not to correct something that has happened in the past? Again what you are admitting to is that you're cool with men POTENTIALLY harming girls. Glad to see we have you on record with this. Your only problem with these laws appears to be that they are being presented by Republicans. That's ***** pathetic. Back to the tool shed with you!!
  6. So you're cool with certain athletes having an unfair advantage over others which could cause physical and/or emotional harm to children. Got it. Carry on.......
  7. So the girls in that article are lying?? WTF is wrong with you?? See my point about showing genitals. So you do not see the correlation between PED's and biological MEN competing against biological girls? Stop play dumb.
  8. You want facts. You got em! https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/these-girls-are-hurt-by-transgender-competition Soule said she missed an opportunity to qualify for the New England state championship in 2019 by one spot: “Both spots above me were taken by biological males.” “It is frustrating. I spend all of that time training to compete against other girls, and I find myself losing to biological males,“ she said. Since 2017, two males who identify as female have taken 15 women’s state championship titles in Connecticut. Mitchell said she was ranked as the fastest girl in the 55-meter dash in Connecticut high school track in 2019. “Then I went to a high school competition, competing with two biological males who identify as girls," she said. "I really put my all into it, [but] I ultimately came in third behind the both of them.” A 2020 study by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health showed among female and male competitive swimmers, males were increasingly faster than females beginning at the age of 10 years and continuing until the age of 17. Let the record show that @BillStime is for the emotional and potential physical abuse of high school girls. So let me ask you this. What is the difference between athletes using PED's for an unfair advantage and using a biology for an unfair advantage? To me there is none hence the reason for me asking the questions. No rabbit hole here. There are likely other ways to determine the biological sex of the athlete. And you're screwing children too by allowing MEN to compete against girls.
  9. I told you but you have you blinders on. The laws are being passed to protect girls. That's a FACT Your argument is the one based on feelings. Either that or you care not for the physical or emotional safety of girls. I hope it's the former and not the latter. Now let's back to my question. Why do PED's have no place in sports?
  10. Stats?? You need stats to form your opinion that having MEN competing against girls is a good thing or not. You're ***** demented. You're question regarding how many kids are having sex changes in order to compete is the most irrelevant question you could possible ask. Who cares about why they got the sex change. It's the unfair advantage they now have competing as a female when they are a biological male. Ok thanks for answering my question. Now the follow up. Why do PEDs have no place in sports?
  11. Nope. It's protecting girls. So let it be known that @BillStime is for the abuse of girls by men. An 18 year old senior in high school is a MAN. He is of the age to join the military and fight and kill for his country. You want that MAN competing against 16 year old girl who is on the varsity volleyball team or the tennis team? And I'm pathetically deplorable? Get your priorities straight man. Now to my question I've asked what, 3 times now. Are you for or against PED's that give an athlete an unfair advantage over their competition.
  12. Bwahahaha!! What a tool. The reason why has NOTHING to do with this conversation. The conversation here is the fairness of biological men competing against biological girls. Why is that fair? And now why won’t you answer my question that is extremely relevant to your argument (that is when you make one). So are you ok with athletes taking performance enhancing drugs to give them an unfair advantage over their competition?
  13. Wow. You are messed up dude. It’s not why the got the sex change that’s the issue here. It’s the fact that AFTER they got the change the biological MEN want to compete against biological GIRLS. Why are you ok with that? So now in to my question you conveniently ignored. Are you ok with athletes using performance enhancing drugs to give them an advantage over their competition?
  14. @BillStime Can we get you on record that you support the use of performance enhancement drugs for athletes?
  15. Hence my: BEST PANDEMIC EVER!! Campaign from last year. Looks as though I was right. 😏
  16. Bastardizations of it are however. You trust school systems to implement something that is not decisive? What…..the…..*****…. Who has ever said they get the sex change to compete in sports?? Your brain is defective. I’d get it looked at.
  17. Stats?? What stats are you looking for? Not stats but reality. Men are usually bigger, faster, stonger than girls. Only in your world is that fair.
  18. Lucky them. So you agree 100% that a biologic MAN can compete against a biological girl? How is this fair?
  19. No obese people could really use the shame. That would be Alameda county which is predominantly Oakland and Uber liberal. I was shocked when I heard they revised it down.
  20. Wrong thread…..again. And the winner and undesputed World Whataboutism Champion….. @BillStime!! And you call others pathetic. 🙄
  21. We do “give” every voting age American a State ID. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  22. To match you up with the registration. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Our voter rolls are a mess. That is the main point of voter ID. Clean up the rolls. Seriously? You never fly, open an investment account, have a document notarized, rent a car?? What are you 16?
  23. I feel they are forcing us off oil. You think high gas prices are “just because”?
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