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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I think with the amount of money that would stay within the state by its residents not paying federal income tax would more that allow Texans to take care of themselves and built a wall.
  2. Why not. Seems like a pretty decent place.
  3. I can’t answer that. I’d have to have given I big enough ***** about to have watched it or cared about it. And I didn’t.
  4. Sitting on the patio now with a nice cold bottle of……….water stolen from NorCal.
  5. They’re just now catching up to what California has been going through for years. So let me ask you @BillStime what makes this different that what’s been happening here for a long time?
  6. I ignore them. I have two houses. One by the coast and one in the desert. It’s 120 in the desert now and I can’t go. We Airbnb it. Shame. I love the heat. It’s a cool 90 at the coast now at 7pm.
  7. I guess this is as good a place as any do place these. What a sh*thole that place appears to be. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdjK3kgW/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdjEkhgS/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdjKEL2D/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdjEepdv/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdjE9jKX/
  8. I've been saying we're past the point of no return for years not. Mother Nature is a b*tch and to think we can do anything to control her is laughable. Party on peeps!
  9. So am I but a good number of professionals in my business are way behind the times. CE is easy to fake. But taxing it to death is worse. I flew to Hawaii several years ago and was wondering where all the smog in the middle of the ocean was coming from. It took me a few seconds to realize "oh yeah....China"
  10. He says "I'm going to get in trouble" a lot doesn't he. Kind of like an old demented guy at a home. It's getting real sad.
  11. That's the thing I didn't understand. They had us shelter at home to make sure hospitals were not overwhelmed while the mercy ship sat empty in the LA harbor.
  12. Not that billionaire....those billionaires.
  13. They want us out of our gas powered modes of transportation and they're not even hiding that now. in 14 years you won't even be able to buy one in CA.
  14. There shouldn't be an age limit. There are some extremely bright and energetic octogenarians. Hell Warren Buffett is a pretty good nonagenarian. My wife worked at Charlie Munger's (Buffett's partner) law firm in LA. She said he'd be in there all the time. Now this was several years ago but the dude is 97. The issue was Biden. His cognitive state was on display long before the elections so it's not like those that voted for him didn't know. It was just because of Orange Man and His Merry Pandemics that Biden was elected.
  15. This is anything but hilarious. Why do politicians not retire like humans? It's almost like the accountant that is embezzling funds. He can never take time off.
  16. Propaganda? Concern regarding how the thousands of schools will use a theory to push an agenda is far from propaganda. So many people don't even know what CRT is, the history of the theory let alone how to use it. The fact that you keep referring to teaching the history of race relations in this country shows you, a ardent supporter of CRT, don't even know what you're supporting. I learned about racism many many years ago and it wasn't in the school system. It was at the dinner table. So you have no opinion at all regarding reparations? Maybe start with your pros and cons of the idea?
  17. Nope no pretze here. We have been VERY clear regarding our concerns. It’s not being taught to make sure we don’t make the same mistakes. It’s being taught to shame a group for the actions of their “ancestors”. Do you agree with reparations? Why should we? We’ve explained our position over and over and over and you don’t understand it. It’s not that you don’t agree with it. You don’t understand it because you’re either too closed minded or you’re being obtuse. Why do you think you’re the only one here that is fighting this? No one else is in your corner here. It’s pretty sad actually.
  18. We don't need CRT to teach history. Just include in history class. History is not a theory. CRT is. They must be taught in a way that says the massacre is a BIG reason POC struggle today as opposed to it being a reason they struggled a couple generations ago.
  19. He's asking why the goalposts keep moving when we're playing baseball. That's how confused he is.
  20. And that is how people learn. By asking questions not having an agenda pushed on them. Why are you so in love with CRT? What do you know about it? What do you like about it?
  21. Here's a better question for you. Why do you feel CRT is the end all and be all for teaching race relations in this country? Why are you so in love with this theory? You seem to be all wound up with it being the gold standard for teaching race in this country. Why is that? I'd love to hear your take on it. How?
  22. You can't read to the point you have no idea what my position is on this. Either slow down, read what people are saying and think for a minute. I don't think you're paying any attention mar-shall-tuck-er It's not how our history is taught using CRT. It's how CRT could (and very likely) will be used to shape our future. I'm sorry you don't understand that.
  23. Your tiny brain has such a hard time understanding our points of view. Either that or your political blinders have you jumping to false assumptions of our points of view. You twist all we say to fit your narrative. 🙄
  24. I have no problem if it's taught the way the theory is laid out. But it has morphed into a potentially a very divisive concept that points the finger at current white people as the problem. That we are all racists or white supremacists. Academia is run by mostly liberals and the teachers that have come out of our university system the past 10 years or so seem to have been taught that white Americans are the source of all the countries problems. CRT has become Ethnic Studies which doesn't cover the history of race relations in this country as much as who is currently responsible for the current state of the lives of POC. It lays no responsibility on them. Sure the past influences things today but over time that influence diminishes and Academia appears to avoid that conversation completely. It CAN? No it does!! Have you not been paying attention? The predominant color of those resenting white people are......white people
  25. Who the ***** is ignoring abuse? You are so mixed up. So for you this is all about pedos and diddling kids? Wow that’s way off the range. You got the Q-gene goin’ on there Billy Boy. 😂😂😂
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