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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. So you're saying the person quoted in the article was lying?
  2. I'm sorry. Which of my points was this regarding?
  3. This didn't take long......... https://www.heritage.org/education/commentary/im-former-teacher-heres-how-your-children-are-getting-indoctrinated-leftist That's would be great if that's what the separation of church and state were about. Try again.
  4. What's the difference? It could be taught in such a way that it could be a form of indoctrination.
  5. I'm talking religion being taught in schools. Why do few people want religion taught in schools?
  6. Good ***** Lord. Again for the 12,000th time it's not how it IS being taught. It's how it COULD BE taught by teachers with an agenda/narrative. That is could very likely be taught in a way that is divisive. Do you not think that is a legitimate concern?
  7. Is there a large segment of the population that doesn't feel the way you do about religion being taught in schools?
  8. Go on........ Would you be content with religion being taught in schools?
  9. Of course we can't agree. Some of the smartest minds out there (black and white) can't agree on what it is and what it represents. Hence our concern (AGAIN) of it potentially being taught to children. You close your ears/eyes/mind by dismissing class. Leave the debate to the adults. We're concerned with how it will be presented and in my mind we have every reason to be. Sorry you (and the others) can't wrap you minds around that.
  10. Well to be fair CRT says that it's not the laws as much as it is the people (whites) who interpret and enforce the laws. The systemic aspect. Does no one here know what CRT is about?? This is why it's a theory because there is not hard evidence that the problem is to this day remains systemic. There is no denying that the acts of the past have influenced the issues of today. That's not my concern with CRT. It's how it will be used to push an agenda/narrative by some of our liberal school systems/educators.
  11. I'd like to know how many of those that are for teaching CRT in schools are against the teaching of religion in schools.
  12. Then who will it be taught to? You missed my question it appears.
  13. Would you be ok with religion being taught in schools? It's only history after all.
  14. Why do you feel CRT should be taught to children? What is the expected societal outcome of the potential curriculum?
  15. Again there isn't one. That's the problem!!
  16. There isn't one hence our concern regarding how it will be taught in our schools!!! Wow you are dense.
  17. You're the one that linked CRT to laws.
  18. You hear what you want to hear all the time. Can you point out how big of a problem White Supremacy really is that requires this much attention from the federal government and then please link that attention to CRT.
  19. Pointless? Nope. Very pointed questions to try to understand your points and where they come from. The fact they go unanswered is extremely telling.
  20. What in God’s green earth does this have to do with CRT? Funny how a few hours of an unruly crowd gets this kind of attention but months of riots in places like Portland and there are crickets. Question: If white supremacy is a thing how were we, as a county, able to elect a black President twice without a peep from these people? We fight imaginary boogeyman all the while turning a blind’s eye to actually boogeymen. 🙄
  21. That’s why states like FL and TX are so enticing. Freedom does that.
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