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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. You don't understand the significance of this question with regard to this conversation do you? Not my point AT ALL! LOL!!
  2. And there it is. Chef Jim has just won the argument. My job is done here.
  3. Wow I've never had a conversation with anyone as daft at you are. I'll ask you the same question I asked others yesterday. Why do people have concerns about a curriculum in school based on religion.
  4. You're right. I'm not winning. We've won and won a LONG time ago. We have post after post after post either expressing our concerns and the concerns of others (and many of them are POC) regarding CRT being taught to children. You have yet to express why you feel the need to teach it other than IT'S TEACHING HISTORY! which is not the main tenant of CRT. Explain what this tweet means. How are our issues with CRT saying we are OK with racism? That is if you have the intellectual capacity to do so.
  5. NO!! We need the old man to hold on for 1,277 (plus or minus) more days.
  6. How many times we have to tell you there is no playbook! That's the problem. And what I tell you are my concerns are mine and not what I've been told. I'm not the meme or tweet posting guy. I think it's safe to say I have shared zero tweets on this board.
  7. I learned a ton about slavery in the US. Some of it in school some of it on my own from reading these real cool things you find in the building called a library. I was always interested in the Civil War. It's causes, the battles, the surrender, the reconstruction. I grew up in a house built in 1860 and always wondered if it was part of the underground railroad. But yeah @BillStime you keep going with the lie that we don't care about the history of race in this country. When you've lost the argument you resort to lies. Bravo!! EDIT: One of the first books I ever owned was The Civil War in Pictures. My grandfather, a WWI Vet, gave it to me. I've cherished that book ever since.
  8. No you just don't know what we're talking about and what our concerns are. But this is not at all surprising. When I'm in my home in the desert I keep it at 85. What's your point? Join the club. What does this have to do with politics?
  9. That's not the lie. Read the tweet you shared again. If you have any brain or honesty you'll figure it out. And how am I being dishonest?
  10. Why are whites in Appalachia disproportionately poor? Is the answer racism there too? The one we've called you out on many many times.
  11. Racism right? It must be racism. When you have to push a lie over and over and over again you've lost the argument. Based on this you lost the argument a long time ago.
  12. You know what I'm talking about and I'm surprised you even interjected here seeing I've handed you your lunch in this debate. Proof of actual racism in the GA Bill? Zero and counting. EDIT: I originally had this line in my post but deleted it. So ***** predicable. @BillStime laughing emoticon in 3.....2.....1......
  13. Ummmmm I did. Some tidbits from the Complaint: I didn't see the proof of this. Nor here. Just a document full of unproven allegations like we've heard from many here on the left. A lot of allegations but no proof. Get back to me after the ruling mmmkay.
  14. Im not sure what this has to do with my post.
  15. How far do I have to get to see anything that has to do with race. Sounds more like GA is run my the Keystone Cops not Racists. Let me know the ruling. 👍🏻
  16. WalletHub's survey considered 52 different weighted metrics, from cost of living and property taxes at the high end to low birthweights and move theaters per capita at the low end. Move theaters?? Anyway you keep NJ. I’ll stay here.
  17. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdMsHwUc/ 😂😂😂
  18. Sweet! Look who’s back. Maybe you’ve had time to think about what makes the GA Jim Crowe on steroids that earned my my cute nickname. Whatcha got?
  19. Pissed? 😂😂😂 That loooms more bored like most people stuck with crazy grampa for the day. .
  20. Stop just stop. No one, not a goddamn one of us is wanting to erase race relations nor are we against teaching the history of race relations. The has almost not one ***** thing to do with teaching the past. It's how they intend to use that past to engineer the future. The fact that you continually bring this up shows us that you aren't paying attention to anything we are saying. Open your eyes, ears and mind. Just as you are likely against (and rightly so) teachers using their influence on children to push a religious agenda we're concerned that teachers will use this to push a divisive agenda. They are so similar yet you don't see it.
  21. It's good to see that those who shape our tax laws don't understand the laws they are looking to shape. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-05-06/biden-tax-hike-exemption-for-farms-pushed-by-rural-democrats Removing the step up in basis (which I'm ok with) will NOT force families (i.e. farms) to liquidate or sell for parts the family farm or business. All that does is if and when the heirs sell the business/farm they will be required to pay a capital gains tax. There are no gains taxes due of course until they sell. They are conflating the removal of the step up in basis with the reduction of the estate tax exemption. Now if the administration eliminates the step up AND greatly reduces the estate tax exemption they will have a war on their hands. Folks will likely be forced to sell the family business/farm to pay the estate (inheritance) tax at 40% AND pay a potential 40% capital gains tax. Do the math and you'll see their will be very little left of the inheritance. I do have a way around the cap gains tax (thank you George Bush!) but you'll have to cough up some $$ to get my plan for that. Up Next: How the IRS totally ***** up the new 10 year rule on non-spousal inherited IRA rule.
  22. Simple. The separation of church and state was put in the First Amendment to state that the government shall not establish a "state religion". Why many left Europe (England in particular) in the first place. It also there to allow for the free expression of religion. So schools can teach religion in historical context but could be used to push an agenda wouldn't you agree?
  23. I see. And you, of course, have no proof of that either. So this will go nowhere. How about let's go back to your poor separation of church and state. You do realize that has nothing to do with religion being taught in schools correct? I'm an idiot when you can't even tell us why CRT is fine to teach in schools. You have made no argument.
  24. Yes what is the difference? Can something be taught in such a way that is indoctrinates? You call me weak minded. You're closed minded.
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