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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Oh yes a ton. You sure have me pegged. Not sure where you get that from this post. I suggest you stay with the legal field. Psychology ain’t your cup o’ tea. 🙄
  2. Then why are you posting in a thread about it? Go do some learin’ and come back.
  3. I’ve been going to the gym six days a week for several years now. When the gyms were closed I took hikes which gave me a better cardio workout.
  4. So at the gym no mask and 20% faster on did treadmill. Who woulda thunk more O2 was helpful writh your workout. 🙄
  5. And Trump got the vaccines rolling and we see the results of that now. Went to the gym today without a mask for the first time in nearly 18 months. What did Biden do to create that?
  6. The rolling blackout are because of political failing here in CA. It's the years of hand wringing that have accomplished nothing. We have a major budget surplus and Newsom wants to use that to "bribe" people to not recall him. You use the word irony. I use the word hypocrisy. While Cruz may be ironic most on the left are being hypocrites. Energy problems are why Gray Davis was recalled nearly 20 years ago. 20 ***** years and we still have our issues. Who do you blame for that?
  7. It's refreshing to have an adult conversation regarding these things.
  8. And of course the biggest cultural issue (IMP) holing blacks back is the lack of an intact family unit. The fact that BLM is anti-nuclear family really has me scratching my head. I think CRT has little or nothing to do with reparations. I feel it is a noble theory that has merits however it's how it will be used to create a future social construct (if that's the right term)
  9. Yeah I assumed my bringing that up wasn't necessary. All the things you're pointing out are reasons for the concern. Virtually no one on the left has given a compelling reason for CRT or CRT based curriculum in schools. Thanks.
  10. And what's even funnier are a-hole liberals pointing a finger at Texas as if rolling blackouts are something new and unique to Republican lead TX when we've had them in CA for years. Thanks for pointing out the massive hypocrisy. 👍
  11. Trump has really ***** you up so yeah, I'd be afraid.
  12. I see. I'm a conservative and I'm politicizing it but a liberal teach will not? Take a look at how a concept like BLM, which I understand and agree with, was morphed into something incredible political. My concern is that if/when CRT is taught the same thing will happen. If you don't think that is a possibility I can't help you. Add anti-white sentiments. Teaching this, in my mind, is using children in a social experiment.
  13. Explain how someone in their 30's made a mistake by moving their family to FL.
  14. They don't matter. But because CRT can (and likely will) be politicized is the reason for our concern.
  15. So you have not point? Got it. Unfortunately you’ve not addressed mine. I wonder why?
  16. Correct. Allegations. That’s all any of you have. Wake me when it makes it to a judge. Then wake me again when there is a ruling. So now in your own words (which you have, for obvious reasons, not provided) what makes this Jim Crowe on steroids? Not racists but Jim Crowe on steroids. I wonder why no one had been able to articulate that. 🤔
  17. You know the answer. So what’s your point?
  18. No you told me to start on page 56. I searched race and came up with nothing that showed concrete evidence of racism. Just lots and lots of accusations. Care to point out that actual evidence of racism? Should be easy. You’ve got a lot to choose form that. Wake me when it goes before a judge.
  19. He’s not off the wall. He’s right on script.
  20. Ok I’ll type slower. Do people have a concern about religion being taught in schools? Yes! Why? Because they are concerned a teacher might use that to push and agenda on little Billy and they don’t want. I get that. This is the exact same reason why people don’t want CRT taught in school. Especially seeing there is no “bible” for CRT. Teachers can use the theory, and it is just that, a theory, to push an agenda on little Jimmy. Get it?
  21. You're still not getting it. There are people that don't want religion taught in schools. Why is that? And don't say separation of church and state. That's been discussed.
  22. CRT is a concept just like religion right?
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