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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Hey thanks for the reminders but it's actually an obsession. "Our" party has lots of ideas. All these bills that are being signed in places like GA and FL are actually ideas. The fact that you all scream bloody murder because you don't agree with them vs having and actual adult conversation as to why you object to them says an awful lot about you. So you stay at the kiddies table while the adults talk amongst ourselves. Enjoy your hotdogs and Kool aide. We'll be having lobster, caviar and Champagne.
  2. Does it feel good or hurt to have this obsession with one person @BillStime? From my perspective it’s hilarious, sad and boring all wrapped into one.
  3. The one that makes the most and spends the least money. So to steal a classic line from The Twilight Zone (which I’ve been binging on the past month)…….
  4. Now Jen do the gas prices vs 1 year ago and unemployment pre-Covid. Why did she pick June 2018?
  5. Wrong thread AGAIN King of the Whataboutists.
  6. He disrespected those that truly suffered under Jim Crowe by calling the Georgia voting Bill Jim Crowe on steroids so why does this surprise you. He’s showing his true colors…..again.
  7. Why, when conservatives “deamonized” The Dixie Chicks, it wasn’t racism but this is? Funny, the only people that seem to see color most, are the Woke Supremacists.
  8. MarketWatch? I sit with bated breath waiting for her opinion on small cap value vs large cap growth.
  9. I see you changed the title. Now you might want to change it again. Slavery has not ended.
  10. And opinions will always have those that disagree with said opinion. Is that crying? Which part of the Constitution did he piss all over?
  11. You probably know little about that theory as well. Because is he were white he'd have three with 1/3 the effort. Duh.
  12. He’s a cafeteria catholic. Who cares. Abortion is murder is an opinion by the church. I am extremely agnostic but agree with the church on that point. The fact that Biden disagrees should have no baring on how he is judged. Funny. Another subject you are very wrong about.
  13. Why are you claiming an ignorance stance when it’s so easy to do your research and learn? Are too afraid of what you might find out? Ignorance is only blissful to the ignorant.
  14. Who’s asking them to stop teaching our history? Your memes are very much like your debate tactics. Failures.
  15. Get well Rene! The French Connection were a very fond memory of my childhood.
  16. A return is what you file. A refund is what you get. Anyway you should have had it long ago. Have you looked into it? Sure you're getting a refund?
  17. The garage would cost $2m here in CA. Nice house but not my style. 1.5% in property taxes? Seems kind of low for NY. EDIT: Ok the property taxes are based on an assessed value of $1.23 so they are 2.3%. I've seen NY property taxes as high as 3%
  18. Ummm the summer solstice begins shorter stretches of light. These folks are on charge of teaching children? Why we are concerned with them teaching CRT.
  19. If CRT was being put in schools to get people to think I’m all for it. But I’m more cynical than that which in my mind is a good thing with regard to WHAT children are taught. My cynicism points me to the the conclusion that CRT will be used not to get kids to think but to guide them HOW to think.
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