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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Excuse me? What are you going on about?
  2. White, male, boomer, conservative, gun owner here. I check all the hated boxes. 🙄
  3. One of the maint tenants of the theory, the nearly 50 year old theory, is that the law enforcement and judicial systems are inherently racist. It, from what I’ve read, provides little evidence that it’s true other than more blacks found themselves in the backs of police cars, in front of judges and behind bars than PONC. Where are the smoking guns? The memos, the emails the recorded conversations that would have the proof. They’ve had almost half a century to roll out the facts. Again I’m not afraid of the theory of critical race. Nor am I afraid of the theory of relativity. That’s not my concern.
  4. We all know what the theory is about thanks. We fear it not. A lot of it is based in historical fact. Not our issue.
  5. None of us are afraid of the theory. You don’t get it do you?
  6. Your definition of trying to kill someone and mine are very different. So you're saying they should be charged with attempted murder?
  7. My recovery? I'm good but thanks for your concern.
  8. It’s the best one we have. The purpose of prop 13 was to keep people, mainly seniors, from losing their homes due to not being able to afford property taxes. Seniors can also move to a home of greater value and transfer their tax base to the new home. That one is actually very good!
  9. No you explained correctly. The tax base is the assessed value upon purchase. Here in CA that is 1% plus other assorted county taxes which can bring it up to 1.5% or more of the assessed value. That can only increase a max of 2% (vs your 3%) per year. Now if you make improvements such as putting in a pool they can reassess. Now try to get them to reassess when your value crashes like they did in the mid 90’s or 2008-2009. 😏
  10. Buffalo had the most millionaires per capita of any US city in the late 19th century. 😔
  11. Those Bills do no such thing. Well it looks like @BillStime is not alone when it comes to being critical of a Bill they probably never read. Here is part of the TN the covers CRT. Those of you screaming bloody murder regarding these Bills please explain what is wrong with the above quoted text from the TN bill.
  12. Perfect that you link a video of a person that says "critical race theory....whatever it is....."
  13. Only a dummy like Hunter would party hard at Chateau Marmont. That place has bad juju.
  14. Ours in CA are capped at 2% a year. Our base varies from county to county but ours is about 1.5% of assessed value. I see NY is around 3% which is absurd. Thank you California Prop 13!!
  15. I met with some clients yesterday. I "borrowed" someone from another office to sit in on the appointment with me. She asked if we should wear masks. I told her "I'm not vaccinated" and she said "neither am I". She's a young 30 something. I told her the whole "get a shot and you can take your mask off" is pathetic and that it's been a very long time since anyone told me "eat all your veggies and you can have dessert." She said "Oh I know their game. I just identify as a vaccinated person!" 😆😆😆 I told her that it appears we lean the same way politically.
  16. Explain the tax increases and what the money will be used for. Quick to cry long to understand.
  17. How? And now he's Poor Mike Pence? There are likely many on the left that would have cheered his demise just a few short years ago.
  18. Nice come back sparky. Enjoying your hotdogs and Kool Aide?
  19. Of course. You have to decide which will make you more/less miserable. Being away from family (you can visit as often as you like) or dealing with poor leadership.
  20. So now you're against diversity of though? I can see why you're against thought because you don't have any but I never thought I'd hear you rail against diversity. I guess we just chalk it up to another Bill you don't know but "hate" because of the politics of the person who signed it. Bravo!
  21. What made it good? It essentially said nothing about Ms Walton. It talked mostly about that mighty city of Milwaukee and how socialism made it mighty. Move.
  22. So your recommendation on more housing is to tear down existing housing and build new housing? At 14? Likely without a father? Yeah that's a huge mistake. Good on her for overcoming it. Isn't something you want to put on your leadership resume however.
  23. So is an activist who you want for your city's leader (not you Doc. Buffalo)? An activist typically doesn't serve the community. They serve their agenda and narrative. Good luck Buffalo. "Rent Control" is step one in give renters all the power and very little to the people that actually own the asset and pay the property taxes. Trust me on this. I've seen it up close and personal here in CA.
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