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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Personally it's who we are as a species. We're tribal. We root for people that look and think like us and sometimes vilify those that don't. Look at religion. The number of wars and the number of people killed in our history in the name of organized thought that often preaches love is a mind boggling.
  2. And that would be on you not all white people wouldn't you agree?
  3. Careless spectator? Careless assumes I….I mean they…….didn’t do it on purpose.
  4. He’s responding to point out their credibility?
  5. When’s your birthday? Not sure we can wait until Christmas to get you the ACME Thread GPS. 😁
  6. I would love to see any and all administrations put together the really cool thing found in the private sector called a Business Plan. Could you imagine a company’s CEO signing off on a plan that says: We’re going to implement all sorts of things with no idea, or concern, how the plan will affect the company’s future? The whole management team would be promptly fired. However, for some reason, with those running our country it’s SOP.
  7. News Flash! It's not his physical well being we're concerned about. But you knew that. My dad skied like a madman up until the the year he died. Had a real hard time putting together a coherent sentence sometimes but damn could he ski.
  8. WTF is a labor unit? So only working people contribute to an economy? Thank you? Ok so you're right and all those people that have done their research and have come to the conclusion that FL if the best place for them to retire are wrong. Give me a few services that are paid for by you NJ state income taxes that are not found in FL.
  9. Fixed income is a misnomer. We’re all in fixed incomes. Many retirees are on a greater income than when they worked. What services is FL lacking?
  10. Stretch their money longer? But how can that be if FL is more expensive? You sound confused. You have no clue do you? Fat Pensions? Community awarded them a nice life? Became greedy? Cheap? Usless? So please explain how you’ve arrived at all these points.
  11. It’s 23% less expensive than where you live. Sooooo it’s got that going for it…which is nice. Well now you’re just being a child. Retirees contribute nothing? 🙄
  12. There is some major conflict between your graph and mine. If NJ is 23% more expensive you deduct 23% from the income in NJ you end up with a smaller annual net income ($30,993) than you do in FL ($31,032). Keep in mind there are a LOT of people in northern NJ that work in NYC which could skew the numbers too. There is always a story/stories behind the numbers.
  13. They're not. Do your research. It wasn't hard. https://www.mylifeelsewhere.com/cost-of-living/florida-usa/new-jersey-usa
  14. I think his point was that a lot of the BLM ruckus last summer had very little to do with George Floyd and changing the system.
  15. Please answer these: 1. How many lives would have been spared had we all been wearing masks from day one? I'll not need an exact number. Ballpark it for me 2. How many lives were lost due to his Lysol (BTW love your quotes around something he never said. Good job.) comment. I'll not need an exact number. Ballpark it for me 3. How many lives were lost based on his black out curtain (another lie quoting him. Good job). I'll not need an exact number. Ballpark it for me. 4. How many lives were lost base on his magically disappear (and again another lie quoting him saying that. Good job). I'll not need an exact number. Ballpark if for me. You could keep going with lies? With quoting Trump saying things he never said? Sure continue on. I love how you never answered my question of what he could have done above and beyond. "Live like no one else and you will eventually live like no one else."
  16. Good lord. First off I made a major career change at 40. Second if you can't currently afford to live in FL don't go there. Sounds like it's not a place you'd want to live anyway. That's why I laugh at people who say CA is too expensive. Great! Move someplace else. To bastardize a line from the Grateful Dead go somewhere the cost of living suits your income.
  17. And guess what? You get a roommate and now you’re at $27k a year. It’s not rocket surgery. You do realize you’re talking to a guy who worked in restaurants for years in LA and survived? To the point of early retiremen
  18. I’m jumping in the middle here but you want to live in Tampa find a job that pays $54k a year. That’s exactly our entry level salary in my firm.
  19. So one person to blame? What should he have done differently above and beyond what he did that would have saved us all? Brush, floss and regular cleanings and dental insurance is a waste of money. FULL DENTAL!! 🙄
  20. If everything is so great why is the government having to hand out money like candy on Halloween?
  21. What the ***** is wrong with that man! It’s dumb ***** like this that got Trump labeled a racist. Let’s see how the media handles this (I’m being facetious).
  22. If that’s what the infrastructure bill was about. What part of the bill would have prevented the building’s collapse? Why didn’t Obama’s infrastructure Bill of 2015 fix these problems? Why are we back here? The 2015 was a 5 year plan. Are the politicians’s friends back in the buffet line for more gravy?
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