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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I have. I’ve mixed the freedom and liberty non-invasive formulas.
  2. They have? So they have the technology to accurately trace back a person’s genetics 300 years? Even if they could what markers are they using to link the person to a slave from 300 plus year ago? Can you at least link me to something that can educate us on that technology.
  3. Awesome! Good for them. It's charity they can do what they want. It's not my tax dollars. Now to their plan. What is their plan to determine who was and who was not a descendant of those enslaved by the Catholic order. Sounds like yours. It doesn't even look good on paper.
  4. Focusing on the negatives?? I'm not even considering the end results because your plan has zero....ZERO viability. So why would I even consider the hope and empowerment. And to your last point. So if they had a (that is one) person in their 300 year lineage that qualifies them for your free schooling? Oh and BTW school is already free. Your plan has so many flaws and it would be laughable if not for the fact that their are people in DC that are considering doing exactly what you're talking about. Reparations is impossible to work out so stop even trying.
  5. So how much are you willing to spend on running a genealogy report on every person who says they are descendants from slaves? How do you plan to pay for college for those of mixed race and their genealogy shows that 14.39382% of their DNA comes from a person who was a slave? You should run for office as you have an uncanny ability to throw out ideas with ZERO idea has to how it will work. Bravo! And regarding the second part. So the only people that will be paying for the reparations would be weed smokers? Hmmm....how about black people that have descended from slaves that smoke pot? This is some brilliant well thought out top of the line government thinking right here folks.
  6. Regarding the bolded part. How do you plan on going about determining if the black person you're wanting to have tax payers pay for their education was actually a descendant of enslaved persons? And why marijuana? Was I missing some sarcasm in your post?
  7. How is the government taking care of me better than ANYONE? So at what point of "diminishing returns" does the effect of things such as slavery and Jim Crowe no longer have an effect on POC? So black people (in all probability) didn't have good jobs back then (whenever that was). Racist much?
  8. Age ya dummy. And people my age are discriminated against all the time. How many times have I heard that the world will be a better place when all the boomers die. Am I oppressed? Not sure. Define oppression. Personally I feel ***** great and am so happy I’m the age I am and that I’m about to retire early. Your life is what you make it even with outside influences. If more people took this attitude there’s be a lot less whining from the likes of you. How about today. So those things still exist to the extent they did 50/100 plus years ago?
  9. Well let me put my spin on it. Democrats often play the blame game. Not that only Dems are not responsible for their actions but many people are not responsible for their actions. However they are very selective when they use the blame game. Hence one of my favorite terms Victicrats.
  10. You’re saying a homicide should not be investigated and I’m delusional. Got it.
  11. To answer your first question: You don’t think a homicide requries and investigation?? To answer your second question: No one invited her. She entered on her own volition. Any other questions? I, unlike you, love answering them.
  12. One man’s over cautious is another’s controlling.
  13. See this is your problem. Because you can’t think for yourself you assume no one can. She was a fool, like them all, for entering the Capital that day. They were acting on no one’s behalf other than their own. And pathetic questions that you refuse to answer because you know the answers will expose you as the weak minded troll you are.
  14. Me either for a week thanks to freedom of choice.
  15. So it’s on her? Good to see you’re finally coming around.
  16. Remember he’s a liberal. Their mantra is no one is responsible for their actions. People are just victims.
  17. There are plenty of stats out there. Much of it is anecdotal just as a lot of racism in hiring practices is. If you don’t think age discrimination is a big thing can’t help you.
  18. Dicrimination is found in everything against every race, creed, color, sex and age. I likely would have a harder time getting many jobs than most black people.
  19. Were systematically denied. WWII ended nearly 80 years or 3-4 generations ago.
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