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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. And blue states are doing a bang up job too. Newsflash you hack. Both sides suck big time are fleecing us.
  2. Why are you yelling? And what is your point?
  3. Yes. We put golden tickets in boxes.
  4. Yup that’s the risk. We Airbnb’s our house for about a year before we retired to it. Made great money. It’s all about marketing.
  5. And if there is no conflict of interest? Cities and counties can make their own ordinances. Never said they supersede any state laws. Funny how you never addressed why crime is so high in blue cities in blue states. Why is that? What’s WRONG is your argument as usual.
  6. The volatility in any risky investors. I remember day traders after the tech bubble burst losing hundred of thousands if not millions of dollars and still owing hundreds of thousands in cap gains taxes.
  7. We all knew it was a nothing burger. It’s pretty much impossible for someone of that stature to cheat on his taxes.
  8. PUT HIM IN JAIL!!!! For following the US tax code.
  9. I did not read your post it’s common knowledge. And no.…cities have their own laws, underfunded law enforcement and lax DA’s. How do you explain crime in blue cities in blue states such as SF/LA/Seattle/Philly etc etc? Are you ***** wrong on everything? If you don’t like your tax dollars being used in other states maybe you need to move out of the US because that’s how things work here.
  10. I absolutely disagree with the tax especially if it’s a federal tax. A tax like that needs to stay local. No my argument absolutely stands. The red state crime rates are skewed via concentration of crime in blue governed cities.
  11. Yes, but obviously you can’t.
  12. Good for you. I’ll take your word for it. Better to take the loss than read through your psychotic babble again.
  13. Ok, ok you got me. Of course I knew why you thought he was a better candidate. Because he's a Republican and you're a hack. But you actually gave a coherent response as to why you thought he was a better candidate. But Doc, you do lose credibility when you refer to Fetterman as "brain dead".
  14. No you didn't. Because it would have ruined your whole argument.
  15. This is why I've asked him what he does for a living. I can't imagine it requires any kind of critical thinking.
  16. Obvious to everyone? No, you're not that transparent. I had no clue why you thought he was a better candidate. Why I kept asking. Well I was expecting "he's not brain dead" because that seemed to be the route you were taking. But thanks for your taking the time to let me know why you felt he was a good candidate.
  17. Good job of not addressing my remark about where the concentration of crime in red states is. Care to take a stab at it?
  18. I’ve offered many “solutions”. You even liked them. But I guess because I’m “MAGA” you forgot you actually agreed with something I said. Let me ask you. Where is the concentration of crime in red states?
  19. In the tiny minded the solution is simple. Want a better life? Move to a “blue” state.
  20. Good job Doc! See how easy that was. You may not give a ***** about who backed him or the fact he was on TV or that he was a carpetbagger but I think the good people of PA may have felt that way. I never said Fetterman was a good candidate. My whole contention was Oz was a ***** candidate and/or ran a ***** campaign. But you go ahead and blame the people of PA. That’s your prerogative. I lay the blame on the candidate. Just as I blame Hillary for losing to the Orange Man.
  21. Oh now it’s “parts of his brain” are dead? I thought he was “brain dead”. Face it the GOP ran a Trump backed candidate who lost to someone you, and likely many others, considering “brain dead”. Let that sink in for a second. And yes. He lost because he was a ***** candidate. You still have yet to convince me otherwise. Give it a shot Doc. What may Oz a good candidate?
  22. Can we have the long list? Take your time. Want to make sure you don't miss any.
  23. I mention three reason and you chime in with “It’s all about Trump?” and then you go a hair on fire rant about Biden. And your comment about Fetterman’s brain death? Yup sounds kinda hacky to me. Still can’t come up with what made Oz a good candidate? I’ll tell you what made Oz a ***** candidate. With all those negatives against Fetterman you spewed? He still lost.
  24. No good point regarding Oz being from a different state. I think the good rural people of PA are likely very weary of someone who made themselves popular by appearing on TV. And are also very weary of someone who is not from PA. Finish this we the fact that he was backed by Trump. People are tired of Donald. These things are likely why Oz lost to a person you've called "brain dead". These things to me are why I considered Oz a ***** candidate. I'm still waiting on why you feel he is a good candidate. Or maybe I missed it. Sorry. And I don't need those two to guide me to you not being middle of the road. Your posts are my guiding light for that.
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